Why Do Green Parrots Have No Green Feather Pigments?

Why Do Green Parrots Have No Green Feather Pigments?

and why are their feathers different from other bird feathers?

Hi Mitch

I recently inherited a Yellow Naped Amazon and love her to pieces, but not being a bird person previously, I could use some advice. He is guessed to be about 50 years old, actually, I was told that Rhoda is a female but, she has never laid eggs so they say she is a he!

No matter, I have noticed some of his feathers have black coloring on them. Is it true that could be caused by him not getting enough sunlight? His cage is in front of a window, but the window has a sun screen on it. What is needed to provide “sun” for him in his cage? I would also like to purchase a “Happy Hut” for him but I need to know what size I should order. 

Thanks for any help you can give me and I welcome any advice!

Ginger Oliveira

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Bird Teflon Dangers You Didn’t Know and Other Household Perils

Bird Teflon Dangers You Didn’t Know and Other Household Perils

One of the first things new pet bird keepers learn is that Teflon is bad for your bird which is pretty well-known. The statement “I threw out all my Teflon cookware before I brought my bird home” can be found on the internet as often as Lady Gaga changes hairstyles. 
The potential danger of Teflon does go beyond cookware so I wanted to give you a little background. 


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Birds and Full Spectrum Lighting
Birds and Full Spectrum Lighting

Birds and Full Spectrum Lighting

Attn. Mitch Rezman
Fluorescent lights.
The recent post here on Vit. D led me to more research. It appears most if not all of the Windy City Full Spectrum lights have simple magnetic ballasts, producing visible flicker. 
This is proven for chickens and assumed for the likely better eyes of psitticines with their mainly flying lifestyle. High frequency electronic ballasts are now standard for indoor fluorescents where human health is a consideration as the high frequency flicker is far faster than our visual system can perceive. 


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What Would It Be Like to Have a Large Parrot?
Dutch man holding red macaw on the arm outdoors

What Would It Be Like to Have a Large Parrot?

(Author Unknown)
Try this:
1.WASTEFUL.. Buy $30 worth of groceries and throw $24 worth in the trash as soon as you arrive home. Do this several times a month. Parrots require fresh food in addition to pellets (not seeds) and are wasteful eaters. If you can’t afford the wastefulness of a parrot, you can’t afford the parrot. 


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