Can I Put a Pair of Parakeets Into a Cage With a Lovebird?
Lorraine H. asks
Can I put in the same cage, a love bird, a mate who died last year, and a pair of parakeets?
Lorraine H. asks
Can I put in the same cage, a love bird, a mate who died last year, and a pair of parakeets?
Too Many Sunflower Seeds in Volkman Ecky
Susan G writes
Hi Mitch and Catherine.
I have been feeding my Eclectus Volkman seed for Eclectus for a long time.
Seems in the last year the bags are half full of sunflower seeds.
I reached out to the company and they said they would look into it but needed numbers off the bag.
Didn’t save the bag but told them I could order a small one to get numbers.
Hi, Mitch and the wonderful people at Windy City Parrot!
Can you advise me about lighting for my six-month-old female cockatiel?
I have been reading your blog posts about the importance of lighting, and I want to get it right for her.
We have a 2-month-old cockatiel and was told to limit his time out of the cage.
15 mins in the morning and 15 mins at night.
For at least 2 weeks.
Curious as to why this is so important?
Hi, my vet suggested differently sized rope perches for Yago, my 45 yr. old (double yellow-headed) Amazon.
His main perch (rope) is the one on top.
It is a bit long so it droops a bit.
I think it is about 1/2 inch in diameter.
I measured the diameter of the cage at 20″. Pretty sure that should be the size for his main one.
It’s spring, which means some of you may have noticed your bird’s behavior has begun to change a bit which may mean, your bird’s hormonal cycle has begun to change.
You can expect many changes but above all expect the unexpected.
Susan G writes:
There is so much conflicting information on pellets and Eclectus parrots (the potential to overload on vitamins).
I have been giving them about 10 [pellets] a couple times a week.
I wanted to know your thoughts on this.
I do try to feed them a very balanced diet but I know we can’t cover everything.
Thanks for your help.
12/24/2018 – My cockatiel has a swelling on the side of his tongue and the vet is off for the holidays. help!!
12/24/2018 – Dear Patricia
We are very sorry to hear your bird may be ill.
Of course, timing is often not right and our pets health issues may come at the wrong times.
This is beyond our experience and knowledge.
Yes, a trip to your Vet is the way to go. (more…)
Name: Cynthia
I came across the story about your cockatiel Popcorn.
I am going through the exact same thing with my cockatiel.
Can you tell me the outcome?
I know it is likely grim.
Thank you, Cynthia and Bindi