Does My Parrotlet Need a Full Spectrum Light Source?

Does My Parrotlet Need a Full Spectrum Light Source?

Chris S. reached out to ask,

Does a parrotlet need a full spectrum light source?

And if so does it need it all year round if living in eastern PA?

Dear Chris

Unless you are living along the equator, no, natural lighting is not going to replicate what tropical birds need to keep their hormones level.


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How Much & How Often Should I Feed a Two-month-old Sun Conure?
Sun conure parrot on blue towel

How Much & How Often Should I Feed a Two-month-old Sun Conure?

The first answer to the Quora question:

I don’t know but I would recommend joining one of the many parrot groups on Facebook. I would think he would be eating very often. When my eclectus was 5 months he would eat a meal and then 15 minutes later be hungry again!

Well, that was helpful ~ not.

Facebook groups are the absolute worse place for pet bird information. If the information were ANY good we would not see 60% death by starvation of pet birds in the US.


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Are Packaged Pellets a Complete Diet for Parrots?

Are Packaged Pellets a Complete Diet for Parrots?

Another open-ended question from Quora ~ sigh

“That depends”, I respond,


Actually, not all engineered food (pellets) for birds and parrots is the same,  and is as far from the truth as can be.


I like to remind human-pet bird caregivers that there are no pellet trees in the rain forest.


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Have You Ever Experienced a Bird With “Bumblefoot”?

Have You Ever Experienced a Bird With “Bumblefoot”?

Karen C. asks,


Have you ever experienced dealing with a bird that has developed what they are calling “bumblefoot”?


I have a parakeet that has a sore spot on the bottom of one of its feet.


When I looked it up on the internet it didn’t seem like much could be done and this little guy isn’t finger trained.


He was a rescue along with 3 other birds.


It’s quite a feat to catch him at all and I don’t want to stress him out anymore than the poor thing already is.


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Will Full-spectrum Lighting Damage My Bird’s Eyes?

Will Full-spectrum Lighting Damage My Bird’s Eyes?

Rob K. relates, 


Mitch, I have read much and understood all of your points about lighting. My bird is a Congo African Grey.


My concern is that I have also read articles about the danger of eye damage such as cataracts from such closeness and intensity of the light.


At the equator, high noon footcandles range from 9-10,000 and cycle up and down moonlight to moonlight (.01 FC @ full moon) and between dawn & dusk (10 FC).



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