Male Cockatiel Attacked Female and Drew Blood So I Separated Them…and More
Male and female Cockatiel facing each other, Nymphicus hollandicus, in front of white background

Male Cockatiel Attacked Female and Drew Blood So I Separated Them…and More

Male cockatiel attacked female and drew blood so I separated them, but now the female laid an egg and I’m afraid of putting him back in.?


Don’t put them back together in the same cage yet. The hen does not need the male pestering her.


She may continue to lay eggs without him. You can remove the eggs as they are laid.



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When and Where Did Your Bird Learn the Difference Between Right and Wrong?

When and Where Did Your Bird Learn the Difference Between Right and Wrong?

When and where did your bird learn the difference between right and wrong?


How does your macaw know the difference between a $6000 Bubinga wood armoire and a $300 wooden bird play stand you bought from Windy City Parrot?


What have you done to teach your bird chewing on the stand is right, chewing on the furniture is wrong?



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What Should a 1st Time Bird Owner Know Before They Buy?
Father helping daughter choose among pet birds

What Should a 1st Time Bird Owner Know Before They Buy?

To start with, begin understanding the scope for your choice of pet birds. Here is a list of more than 500 species you can choose from each having its own nuances.


I stress making this distinction because so many people talk about things like “make sure you don’t get a bird larger than a conure or a parakeet”.


If you break down that statement it’s really nonsensical because conures range from 64 grams (green cheeks) to 280 g (Patagonians) the size of a Timneh African Grey.



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Why Are My 2 Sun Conures Suddenly Fighting After 15 Years?

Why Are My 2 Sun Conures Suddenly Fighting After 15 Years?

Cecelia B. writes,

Hi, Mitch and Catherine,

I’ve been living with conures for thirty-five years and am seeing behavior that is new to me.

I have two male Sun conures who are brothers.

They are about fifteen years old.

Until a few weeks ago, they were a very happy bonded couple, mating frequently, grooming and feeding each other, sharing a cage, and getting along just fine.

One of them, Max, recently started pulling Min’s head feathers out, pecking Min’s head and leaving bloody spots.


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