Do Dowel Perches Harm Budgies Feet – Avian Diabetes – Shoes – Avocados

Do Dowel Perches Harm Budgies Feet – Avian Diabetes – Shoes – Avocados

Notably absent from the prior answers (on Quora) are the words “and I inspect my bird’s feet by flipping him over and examining his feet under a magnifying glass on a regular basis.”


As a vendor of bird cages and accessories for over 25 years, we advise people to take the dowel rod perches out of the cage immediately upon assembly.


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Why I Fell In Love With The Look Of Indian Ringneck Parakeets
Rose-ringed parakeet and ring-necked parakeet on the floor in the forest.

Why I Fell In Love With The Look Of Indian Ringneck Parakeets

Veronica F Replied


Hi, I live in the UK, just in case that makes a difference, which it probably doesn’t.


I am considering buying another pet bird but want to make the right choice for both the bird and myself.


I have had budgies, canaries and a cockatiel in the past, all indoor, cage birds. 


I am looking for a bird somewhere between the size of a parrotlet to smaller than a large parrot-like an African Grey.



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4 Essential Quaker Parrot Questions Answered
Close-up of young beard man with his pet Quaker parrot on shoulder at home. Monk parakeet is looking at camera with curiosity.

4 Essential Quaker Parrot Questions Answered

Quaker parrots a.k.a. monk parakeets are unique little birds.


Feathered factoid – Quakers are the only parrot that builds a nest.


Not just any nest – a condominium nest.


Quaker parakeets nests are so large that they accommodate dozens of birds who share body warmth enabling them to endure the harshness of winters in Chicago and other major cities around the country.


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The Differences Between Finches And Canaries

The zebra finch and canary are the most popular birds kept by pet owners, after budgies and cockatiels. They both also have a long history in captivity, as does the society finch. Let’s take a look at how these birds are alike and how they differ.




If you’re considering adding a finch or a canary to your family, you might be surprised to find that a canary is a finch. So you are only choosing among finches, really. Zebra finches, society finches, also called Bengalese finches, and canaries actually have a lot in common.


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More CBD For Pet Birds – Mythbusting

More CBD For Pet Birds – Mythbusting

Although I firmly believe that correlation does not necessarily imply causation I’m very concerned with the fact that 60% of pet birds die of malnutrition according to necropsies (animal autopsies) performed by veterinarians.

I can’t help feel the explosion of feeding “chop” to pet birds has fueled that statistic.


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What Our Readers Think About Pet Birds And CBD Oil

What Our Readers Think About Pet Birds And CBD Oil

These comments are in response to last weeks post CBD Oil – Miracle Cure For Birds Or Just The New Snake Oil


From Taryn Palo


Regarding CBD oil.


My avian vet sells it. 


He’s taken care of my Umbrella cockatoo for 23 years now so I pretty much trust him. 


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What Are The Right Human And Commercial Foods For My Pet Bird
A green parrot eats cookies from human hands. The concept of pet nutrition.

What Are The Right Human And Commercial Foods For My Pet Bird

Shouldn’t we learn how to find the right foods for our pet birds?

Feathered factoid: as much as 30% of a bird’s calories are used in the production and maintenance of feathers.

Editor’s note: We don’t know what bird food your bird will like any more than what you like on Netflix.

“Transparent”, “Scandal” or “The Walking Dead,” shows are both loved and reviled.

We do know that instinctively your bird has a desire to “search” or “forage” for food seven days a week.


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Do Parrots Make Good Pets For Seniors And More Pet Bird Care Answers
White cockatoo and man in front of white background

Do Parrots Make Good Pets For Seniors And More Pet Bird Care Answers

At 70 (note profile pic) I have 10 budgies and a 15 yo African ringneck, all rescues.

Mitch Rezman profile pic








There is an enormous number of older rescue birds available.

BTW Dr. Karen Becker has a case study of a certified 25 yo budgie.

I personally know 30 yo cockatiels.

Most birds are rehomed because of timing, bad behavior, noise, or new children.


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CBD Oil – Miracle Cure For Birds Or Just The New Snake Oil

CBD Oil – Miracle Cure For Birds Or Just The New Snake Oil

On June 2, 2018 I responded to the question:


I, for the most part, pleaded ignorance and suggested that he not give his African Grey CBD oil based on my “spidey sense.”


Now I’m seeing more conversations about the use of CBD oil on all sorts of animals but obviously, my concern is the effects of CBD oil on our pet birds.


Let’s take a deep dive into the subject, shall we?


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