Birds Are Like Soul Mates & Should Find You – Right?

Birds Are Like Soul Mates & Should Find You – Right?


Mitch, I learned sooooo much from you in today’s message about bird safety. I’m seeing my household with completely new eyes now. Thank you so much.

We are first-time bird companions of two one-yr-old beautiful little male budgies acquired at the same time from the same breeder when they were still youngsters. They are healthy and active.


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How Do You Put the “Social” in Bird Food?

How Do You Put the “Social” in Bird Food?

We talked about birds being the godfeathers of social media.

Birds are flock animals.

Your bird was born expecting to be in a flock. When the bird comes into your home you become its flock.

We have interactions with caged bird keepers from around the planet every day. “He won’t eat that” “I’ve tried that” “I just can’t get him off of his sunflower seed diet” (yes we actually hear that a lot – sigh).


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Why Do You Want to Put Jell-O on Your Bird’s Food?

Why Do You Want to Put Jell-O on Your Bird’s Food?

Popcorn update

Thursday (6/9/16) she was very low energy and didn’t leave her cage after opening the door. The very first thing I do every morning is replace her water with freshwater after scrubbing out her food dish to avoid bacteria.

We are now introducing a milk thistle liver detox into her water. I place the eight drops in the bottom of a dry dish and add a couple of ounces of water to make sure the milk thistle solution gets dissolved. Then I add half an ice cube to keep the water fresh until the mid-day replacement. (It gets replaced again at birdie bedtime).


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Is a Seed Diet Really Bad for Your Bird?

Is a Seed Diet Really Bad for Your Bird?

Major Mitchell Cockatoo (above)

There’s a lot of talk today in the pet bird keeper community about how bad seeds are for our birds. We should be introducing bird chops to our birds. If you are not familiar with bird chop – mix up about a pound of fresh lettuce, beans and vegetables, and fruit and serve to your bird.

Most birds will eat less than 1% of that 1 pound of chop which is why we let Popcorn just steal some nibbles from our plates – as long as she does not walk across our plates.


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California Bird Cage Info

Californian cage is no longer in business.

At California Cage, we are committed to the excellence of the products and the services that we offer.

From beginning to end quality is our goal. Every aspect, from the material we use to packaging and customer service, is constantly analyzed and improved.

The combination of these aspects guarantees the quality that our customers have come to rely on.


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