Sitting on My Hand My Parrotlet Will Give Me a Good Wallop
My Parrots are Eating House Plants How Dangerous Is This?

Sitting on My Hand My Parrotlet Will Give Me a Good Wallop

Peter M. wrote:

If she (a parrotlet) is sitting on my hand she will turn around and give me a good wallop. She attacks everyone in my family, biting their necks, and arms wherever she can.  It is getting out of control. 

I have a full spectrum light above her cage, and turned it off hoping it would help.   I have reduced her hours of daylight and she is now getting 12 hrs of sleep.


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So You Thought Carrier Pigeons Were Obsolete – Think Again

The significant contributions of Carrier Pigeons throughout history cannot be overlooked. In times when message delivery was uncertain, the urgency for swift and long-distance transportation of crucial messages led to the training of these avian messengers.

Throughout history, the course of wars has been influenced by a flock of agile aviators known as swift pigeons, adept at harnessing gales to soar at incredible velocities of roughly 60 miles per hour.


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