Will Your Bird have the Same View for 50 Years?
In the video below its stated quite succinctly.
In the wild, parrots spend 50 to 70% of their daylight hours foraging for food.
In the video below its stated quite succinctly.
In the wild, parrots spend 50 to 70% of their daylight hours foraging for food.
We were recently interviewed for a pet magazine article with some interesting questions. We thought you’d enjoy our answers
1. Have you seen any noticeable changes in the product lines of bird foraging toys/ foraging treats in the past five years or so? Are more companies expanding into the foraging marketplace (bird companies that didn’t previously offer them)?
Parrot breeders all over the world trust Hagen Tropican Mash Hand-Feeding Formula for providing their precious baby birds with all the essential nutrients necessary for excellent growth and brilliant plumage.
I really enjoy your emails and am always interested in the things I learn, or the laughs I get.
One thing, they are never boring.
Sometimes I see something I’d love to share with my bird club.
I really enjoy your emails and am always interested in the things I learn, or the laughs I get.
The AVIATOR Harness uses advanced technology that is not used in any other style of pet bird harness.
The AVIATOR Harness is the only truly safe bird restraint system. Hundreds of thousands sold around the world attest to the safety and quality of The Aviator.
The only ESCAPE PROOF pet bird harness. Your bird can easily remove the leash and sometimes the harness from every other brand of harness.
Easily fits the largest pet birds and cockatiels as small as 75 grams.