When and Where Did Your Bird Learn the Difference Between Right and Wrong?

When and Where Did Your Bird Learn the Difference Between Right and Wrong?

When and where did your bird learn the difference between right and wrong?


How does your macaw know the difference between a $6000 Bubinga wood armoire and a $300 wooden bird play stand you bought from Windy City Parrot?


What have you done to teach your bird chewing on the stand is right, chewing on the furniture is wrong?



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A Better Bird Video Series For Training Birds And Their Humans

A Better Bird Video Series For Training Birds And Their Humans

Just as the name implies, this is a series of quick and easy ways to help your birds stay happy and healthy around the clock.

This is a series of short but incisive ideas you can apply today bringing you closer to bird care nirvana.

The number of things necessary to provide foraging enrichment for your birds can be found in a series of quick and simple ideas.


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How Do I Stop My Peach-faced Lovebird From Prolific Egg-laying?

How Do I Stop My Peach-faced Lovebird From Prolific Egg-laying?

Julie O. has a lovebird issue,


Hello Catherine & Mitch


We have a peach-faced lovebird named Kiki (she told us her name, it’s the only word she speaks) that was rescued nearly dead from starvation and dehydration on a busy Los Angeles street about 5 years ago.


We don’t know her actual age, but she looked to be fairly young then.


In the past two years, she has started laying infertile eggs.


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How Did I End Up With a Bird Mite Infestation?

How Did I End Up With a Bird Mite Infestation?

Donna L. is concerned,




I have heard about rope perches and all of the “pros” make sense except one con, their nails getting caught in the threads.


I don’t have Henny’s, my beautiful 21-year-old Meyers, nails clipped because she falls off of me or various other things.


She is free flight in the house, unless I am doing anything that could hurt her, or when I need my time.



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Should I Get a Quaker, Ringneck, or Conure?
Happy father and daughter choosing pretty bird for keeping in pet shop

Should I Get a Quaker, Ringneck, or Conure?

Kayla writes to ask:


I’m stuck between getting a conure or a quaker (ok maybe an Indian ringneck too), and could really use advice on what current owners think.


I’m hoping to find a best friend who wants to be involved, cuddly, silly, and maybe even say a few words eventually.


I mostly don’t want one who screams and screeches all day.


Is a quaker on the right track?



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What Is the Lowest Temperature Can My 2 Greys Survive Outside?
Two beautiful gray parrots on the branches

What Is the Lowest Temperature Can My 2 Greys Survive Outside?

Grae W. wonders


Hello, I have two 21-year-old grays, that I have had since they were young babies.


They are very healthy and happy birds. In the winter months, in the south (NC), I put them out in their cage on sunny, non-windy days, if it’s above 47 degrees.


As their cage loses the sun, I bring them in, and put them on their perch, in a glass door walk-in shower.


I have asthma, so must not bring in their cage.



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I Can’t Believe How Many Dangers Are in My Bird’s Cage!

I Can’t Believe How Many Dangers Are in My Bird’s Cage!

From: Donna L.


Subject: Dangers found in toys and Oops, wrong Donna?


Hi Mitch,


I received your informative lesson about the dear little budgie?  (Sorry, tiny strokes-no memory)


I couldn’t stop reading.  So happy I found you! 


I started to dismantle my sweet little 21-year-old Meyer’s parrot’s toys to DIY new ones. 


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