Does an Inherited Cockatiel With a Bald Spot in an Aviary Need Foraging Toys?

Does an Inherited Cockatiel With a Bald Spot in an Aviary Need Foraging Toys?

There is no singular cockatiel related to the title of this post. Aside from providing expert advice to caged bird keepers I also have a passion for Search Engine Optimization as well as improving how I communicate our ideas. Apparently, I am the vortex of a digitally feathered world.

So in these stories, we’re going to talk about four unique cockatiels and their circumstances. Should anyone in our audience inherit a cockatiel with a bald spot living in an aviary with lots of foraging toys – you’re welcome.


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A Brief History of Bird Cages Through Time

A Brief History of Bird Cages Through Time

Oriental-style cages were popular during the Deco period, from the 1920s until the 1940s. One example, probably manufactured by Hendryx, was a round, hanging pagoda-style cage with a brass-wire seed screen and side-out tray (above).

The bottom was fastened to the top part of the cage with small, attached brass clips. On some models from this era, the clips were adorned with small owls or little figures of Asian men. (more…)

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How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird’s Holistically

How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird’s Holistically

Pet food manufacturers as well as Internet “influencers” somehow associate the word “holistic” with “healthy” which indicates (to me) they clearly never read the definition of “holistic“.


ho·lis·tic – adjective


PHILOSOPHY – characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.


Thus from this point forward, you will go forth and snigger the next time someone tries to sell you holistic anything.


When you interact with us,


whether it be here, on our website, social media, email, or any other form of communication, we try to introduce you to holistic bird health as a way of succeeding with captive bird care – meaning: 


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Best Practices For Heating Outdoor Bird Aviaries

Best Practices For Heating Outdoor Bird Aviaries

Hi. We’re installing an outdoor aviary on our screened & covered porch.
The size is 8x8x9 and it will house 2 blue and gold macaws.
I found the perfect rope perches at windy city parrot.
Now I hope you can help me select the right heat source.
We live in north Mississippi so extreme cold isn’t a problem; winter temps are 30s-40s most nights.
Do you recommend infrared heat lamps?
If so, how many for the space?

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How Do Amazon Parrots Use Light to Synthesize Vitamin D Having No Preening Gland? And Other Captive Amazon Care Questions

How Do Amazon Parrots Use Light to Synthesize Vitamin D Having No Preening Gland? And Other Captive Amazon Care Questions

How do Amazon parrots use light to synthesize Vitamin D having no preening gland?

As I was curating this post on Amazon parrot questions it got me thinking about one of my favorite subjects, full spectrum lighting and the synthesis of vitamin D in birds.

Amazon parrots are relatively unique having no preening gland (along with doves, pigeons and Hyacinth macaws).

The uropygial aka preening gland oozes a slippery goo which a bird rubs its head and beak against. Then spreads this oil over its feathered body.


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Do Birds in Cages Suffer All Their Lives?

Do Birds in Cages Suffer All Their Lives?

Do birds in cages suffer all their lives?

Define suffer? If you don’t know any better how do you know you are suffering?

As good as our intentions are met by many things, they don’t necessarily meet our bird’s “instinctual expectations”.

Define a “cage”. If you talking about a big metal thing with bars that sits in your family room? In reality the entire home is a (bird) cage because the bird is not allowed to leave it unless it’s in a smaller travel cage


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Humans Have Lots of Bird Advice – Don’t Get One, They’re Hard to Raise

Humans Have Lots of Bird Advice – Don’t Get One, They’re Hard to Raise

The following content is from 3 inquiries we received that we thought would be helpful by sharing.

We have four zebra finches in an outdoor aviary, with three walls being the exterior of our house, and the fourth wall is wire mesh.

We are in San Diego, and our nights can drop down to 40-50 degree. We are planning to add plexiglass panels over the mesh at night, and we are trying to decide on a heat source.


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What Is the Best Parrot for an Apartment?

What Is the Best Parrot for an Apartment?

What is the best parrot for an apartment? The answers thus far have been pretty limited (on Quora).

We (Mitch & Catherine) live in a three-flat apartment building, erected circa 1885 in the geographical center of the city of Chicago’s Ukrainian Village neighborhood.

It’s 1800 ft.² with 9 1/2 foot ceilings. The all-brick building is quite solid.

We like parrots. We are in the (caged bird) pet supply business. It’s our job to know about them.

For the record, we don’t sell any birds. We simply teach proper care for about 750 captive bird species out of approximately 10,400 species of birds on the planet.


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