A Congo Greys Companion’s Feather Plucking Questions Answered
An African Gray Parrot Plucking Her Breast Feathers on Top of Her Cage

A Congo Greys Companion’s Feather Plucking Questions Answered

First name: Peggy C.


How long has your bird been plucking? 


Approximately 7 years 


Species (please be specific, as an example, there are 43 species of Macaws) 


Congo African Grey parrot


Your bird’s sex if (known) by DNA or feather color (dimorphic bird)? 




Your bird’s age? 




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Should You Really Buy the Biggest Cage You Can Afford?

Should You Really Buy the Biggest Cage You Can Afford?

Karen C. asks,

I know you’re supposed to house your pet in the largest cage you can afford.

At least that’s what I’ve read in past issues of Bird Talk.

Anyway, I’ve done my share of parakeet rescues and as of now, I’m down to 2 birds.

They’re housed in an older Prevue cage #F099 which I purchased when a pet shop by us was going out of business and was selling out their stock.


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A Better Bird Video Series For Training Birds And Their Humans

A Better Bird Video Series For Training Birds And Their Humans

Just as the name implies, this is a series of quick and easy ways to help your birds stay happy and healthy around the clock.

This is a series of short but incisive ideas you can apply today bringing you closer to bird care nirvana.

The number of things necessary to provide foraging enrichment for your birds can be found in a series of quick and simple ideas.


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What Should I Do for a Hormonal Male Caique, 17 Years Old?

What Should I Do for a Hormonal Male Caique, 17 Years Old?

Donna L. asks:


What should I do for a hormonal male caique, 17 years old?


Screaming while holding a toy with his beak on the cage bottom or screaming while hanging on the cage bars, screaming at 2:30 AM.


Losing weight, killing any toy he can find, and just starting to pick at his chest and bottom of his foot.


Editor’s note: I suggest a magnified visual of both feet bottoms seeking any sores or irritations. Endnote


Stopped eating his pellets (Harrisons), I have combined them with other pellets, not interested. Will eat them if I soak them in water and mix them with cooked bird rice and spaghetti.


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I Am 72 Years Old & Do Not Want Her Rehomed From a Rescue

I Am 72 Years Old & Do Not Want Her Rehomed From a Rescue

Karen S. relates,


Mitch, I have had birds for the last 35 years all have lived a wonderful life and went to the rainbow bridge before I wanted them to.


I am now 72 years old and I do not want to place her where she will be adopted out.


She is 26 years old, a rescue, and needs a special bird person.


I live outside Annapolis, MD, and have found places that do the rescues and adopt them out or sell them.



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Why Do We Have a Difficult Time With Our Pineapple Conure?

Why Do We Have a Difficult Time With Our Pineapple Conure?

Lisa N.  writes:


Hi Catherine,


We are having a really difficult time with our Pineapple Conure.


We know he’s going through puberty but he has always been good with my husband now he bites all the time and won’t go in his cage.


When we try he just flies away and he has his times where he can be sweet but most of the time he’s a little hellion.



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