How To Set-up A Handicapped Galah Parrot Cage

How To Set-up A Handicapped Galah Parrot Cage

I have a young Galah parrot (aka rose-breasted cockatoo) who is missing her toes on one foot.

She was three weeks old when she developed constricted toe and had the amputation, so she really has no idea that she’s handicapped.

Editor’s note: Animals never do.

She’s a little over two years old now. (1st April 2016)


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Answers For A Cockatiel Pulling Out His Wing Feathers And A Cockatiel With Cataracts

Answers For A Cockatiel Pulling Out His Wing Feathers And A Cockatiel With Cataracts

Dear Mitch I wanted to ask for your advice.

My male cockatiel is pulling his feathers out from under his wings.

I brought him to one avian vet who did blood work.

That was a dead end.

The 2nd vet sent droppings to a lab and that was negative.


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How Do We Know Parrots Enjoy Anything?

How Do We Know Parrots Enjoy Anything?

Another question recently asked on Quora was “what do parrots do for fun”?

We know parrots prefer “working” for food versus simply eating from overflowing bowls of bird food blends.

We know correlation does not necessarily imply causation but can we correctly infer that work & play are one and the same for a parrot?


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What Are The Most Difficult Parrots To Keep As Pets For Most Bird Owners

What Are The Most Difficult Parrots To Keep As Pets For Most Bird Owners

What are the most difficult parrots to keep as pets for most bird owners?

First a little housekeeping.

When we talk about species of birds, it’s important to be specific.

To say that “cockatoos are needy”  would be inaccurate.


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A Better Bird Ep 15 Migrating Recent Ringneck Rescue To New Home Bird Cage – Video

A Better Bird Ep 15 Migrating Recent Ringneck Rescue To New Home Bird Cage – Video

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I can’t count the number of times people inquire about the best way to migrate a bird from an older cage to a new birdcage.


The first thing I like to remind people is that the more you provide change for your bird the more your bird is likely to accept change.


A bird who has had the same bird cage, toys and accessories for 10 or 20 years is a phobic bird that you created.


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A Better Bird Ep 13 – How Bird Proof Is Your Home? Video

A Better Bird Ep 13 – How Bird Proof Is Your Home? Video

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In about 24 months our household has gone from 0 to 9 birds.

Six budgies (2 males/4 females), a female Senegal (surgically sexed) and a male African ringneck (males have the ring).

I fondly call the budgies my little hooligans who have their own cage as does Peaches our 9 year old female Senegal and Keto the newest member to our family, the 17-year-old male African ringneck.


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