Why Is Sunshine So Important for Our Pet Birds?
Basking in Sunshine: The Secret Spa Days of Our Feathered Friends
Basking in Sunshine: The Secret Spa Days of Our Feathered Friends
Some signs that a pet bird is not healthy include:
General Physical Appearance:
Ruffled or unkempt feathers, changes in vocalization, fluffed feathers, reduced appetite, weakness, drooping wings, distended abdomen, listlessness, inactivity, depression, reluctance to move, sleeping more than usual.
Hi, I have a 7-month-old English budgie that was born with a splayed leg that sticks straight out. His wings were over-clipped when I got him at 2 months of age.
The expansion of urban areas poses a significant risk to biodiversity, yet understanding how wildlife adapts to such rapid environmental changes remains limited.
Understanding Parrot Behavior: The Key to Effective Training
Training a parrot is not just about teaching it to mimic words or perform tricks; it involves understanding its behavior and communication style.
I have the Zoo Med Labs Aviansun Deluxe Floor Lamp with Aviansun bulb for my parakeet which I use for an hour in the morning for vitamin D.
Whilst we were all asleep our paths once again crossed daylight savings time last night.
Everyone agrees daylight savings time is useless in today’s world.
Sometime between 6:30 and 7 AM every morning I briefly awake to take a pee, quench my morning mouth with a swig of sugar-free ginger ale, and uncover 4 bird cages – not necessarily in that order.
Dive into the enigmatic world of avian neophobia (Neophobia is the fear of new things), exploring the intricacies of parrot psychology and the art of introducing novelties to our feathered companions, all narrated with a twist of humor and creativity.