Embracing Untamed Pet Birds In the Confines of Your Home
Embracing Untamed Pet Birds In the Confines of Your Home

Embracing Untamed Pet Birds In the Confines of Your Home

Parrots possess an enchanting allure for those, like myself, who quickly become disinterested.

After coexisting with these magnificent creatures for more than twenty four years, I continue to discover their intricacies captivating, and delving into their behavioral patterns serves as an engrossing and thought-provoking endeavor. (more…)

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Problems With My 42 YO Amazon Parrot I Adopted 12 Years Ago
I really like reading all the information you provide about birds,

Problems With My 42 YO Amazon Parrot I Adopted 12 Years Ago

jenn7558 relates,

I really like reading all the information you provide about birds, and most particularly, domesticated ones.

I just read your latest that talks about the way to arrange walls of toys and the reasons for doing that.

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What Are You Doing To Protect Your Bird From Heat This Summer?
What Are You Doing To Protect Your Bird From Heat This Summer?

What Are You Doing To Protect Your Bird From Heat This Summer?

Summer is the scorching season that prompts us to maintain hydration and treat ourselves with water-rich edibles such as watermelon and various juicy fruits, even cucumbers which are considered fruit because of their seeds.


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