How Would We Revamp Lighting for a Harligold & Greenwing Macaw?

How Would We Revamp Lighting for a Harligold & Greenwing Macaw?

Jayda (above)

Dear Mitch and Catherine,

We are empty nesters owned by our only pets, a harligold and a greenwing macaw.  After reading some of your articles on correcting parrot lighting issues, we are aware that their lighting setup needs some revamping. 


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I Want to Own a Pet. Should I Buy Parrots?

I Want to Own a Pet. Should I Buy Parrots?

With all due respect, the question answers itself. There are a 350 species of parrots and about 372 species of parakeets As opposed to there only being one species of dog.


Further, the individual who acquires a single parrot can be considered a pet owner or companion, our term is “pet bird keeper” Once a second parrot is introduced the aforementioned individual becomes a zookeeper.


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My Cockatiel Has Laid 9 Eggs in the Past Two Months What Can I Do?

My Cockatiel Has Laid 9 Eggs in the Past Two Months What Can I Do?

Mary J. is concerned about her cockatiel,



I was wondering if I could ask your advice? My cockatiel has laid 9 eggs in the past two months–no mate.   Do I need to be concerned enough to take her to the vet? It’s $185 a visit….thank you. She is healthy and happy and energetic as always.  


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Is There a Good Way to Handle A Broody Older Macaw?

Is There a Good Way to Handle A Broody Older Macaw?

Kim M. requests advice,


I have been reading your emails for quite some time.  I finally need some advice. 


I have a 28-year-old Blue and Gold McCaw.  She has been fairly happy over the years.  She was my son’s bird until he got married and didn’t take her with him.  Now she has to deal with me and misses my son very much but now has resigned to the fact I have to be her person.


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