Seeking a Play Stand for My Macaw Parrot

Seeking a Play Stand for My Macaw Parrot

 Click here for more info on this parrot play stand
The AE5-2828 is a great Macaw stand because we were told by many Macaw owners it’s a great Macaw bird play stand. Our responsibility is to the birds, “we took them out of the sky and it’s our obligation to provide the best care possible” our mission statement.

 The dowel perch may be a tad small for Macaws feet but I wouldn’t dwell on it. We’re told by many AE5-2828 buyers “the only place he stands is on the side of it” on cold tubular steel having a smaller diameter than either of the perch we recommend introducing toys and or food to the ring area in an attempt to bring him to the center.


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Bird Food Pellet Conversion Made Easy

Bird Food Pellet Conversion Made Easy

We get a lot of people who call and e-mail asking how to convert their birds to a pellet diet. The advantage of a pellet bird food diet is that pellets are considered engineered foods. In other words the bird food manufacturers decide what components are necessary for a nutritious diet and then they blend the ingredients by grinding them up and extruding them so that each individual pellet contains a precisely controlled diet. 


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How Does Barometric Pressure Affect Birds?

How Does Barometric Pressure Affect Birds?

A recent request for information:

Hey guys, how about putting out some info on barometric pressure, and how it effects parrots, as well the wild birds. I’m here on the east coast getting ready for the BIG hurricane and my Parrotlet is acting a bit nervous.

Hi Patricia.

We have known for a long time birds will eat more as air pressure falls. This is because birds know that they have a hard time getting food during a storm and storms are usually associated with falling pressure so by having this innate ability to detect falling air pressure to predict a storm, that gives them more time to prepare much like we do by watching television or listening to the radio and then going to the grocery store. 


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Seeking Foraging Bird Toys

Seeking Foraging Bird Toys

 Didn’t you tell me that you are low on “parrot foraging” toys”?. My son decided to make a couple of simple foraging toys for Danny.
Foraging toy is a vague term 
It is a bird toy that can be used to hold toys, treats, or just become torn up.
A lot of toys for parrots for years were made so they could not be destroyed like a chain with hard beads or a heavy bell, big plastic rings, etc, they lasted forever but were boring.

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Is This Dome Bird Cage Too Big for Severe Macaw

Is This Dome Bird Cage Too Big for Severe Macaw

I have a question and I hope you can help? My Severe Macaw is 26 months old. I had him in a play-top birdcage until about 6 months ago.

He is now in a dome cage. In the play-top cage, he would play with his foot toys at the bottom of the cage and climb all around. Now that I have him in a dome cage he will not go to the bottom of his cage. If he drops a toy or food he won’t go to the bottom at all. (more…)

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