Problems With My 42 YO Amazon Parrot I Adopted 12 Years Ago
I really like reading all the information you provide about birds,

Problems With My 42 YO Amazon Parrot I Adopted 12 Years Ago

jenn7558 relates,

I really like reading all the information you provide about birds, and most particularly, domesticated ones.

I just read your latest that talks about the way to arrange walls of toys and the reasons for doing that.

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Can You Help Me Find a Helmet for a CAG With Photosensitivity?

Can You Help Me Find a Helmet for a CAG With Photosensitivity?

Hi Mitch,

I have been searching for a “helmet” for a CAG (Congo African grey vs a TAG Timneh African grey) who has a photosensitivity issue in her eye from cataract surgery.

I want to find her a device she can were to make her eyesight more comfortable.

The parakeet in the helmet jumped out at me when I saw it. Do you know anyone who might be able to fabricate such headwear for Marie?


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What is a Suitable Perch for a Disabled Parakeet?

What is a Suitable Perch for a Disabled Parakeet?

Vee B. is seeking a disabled parakeet perch.

Hi, I’ve rescued a disabled parakeet named Henry.

He was malnourished when he was young and the vet believes that’s why over time he has lost the ability to clutch anything with his feet.

In addition, the prior owner had his wings clipped incorrectly so he can’t fly either.

Consequently, he spends all his life on the bottom of the cage, with his bird buddies often pooping on him and he can only scoot along the sides of the cage using his beak to clutch the cage.


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Correction of Developmental Abnormalities of the Beak of Juvenile Psittacines

Correction of Developmental Abnormalities of the Beak of Juvenile Psittacines

Rhamphorthotics, or correction of developmental abnormalities of the beak of juvenile psittacines has been well described by Clipsham and others. 1 2,3 Techniques are described for correction of “Scissors beak” or lateral deviation of the premaxilla or maxillary beak and for bradygnathism of the maxillary beak.
A simplified and more practical technique will be described here utilizing many of the same materials. A more invasive technique has also been described utilizing a pin placed through the frontal bone and rubber bands to pull the beak into alignment. 4


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