What Are the Signs of Illness in Birds, and When Should I Consult a Vet?

Birds are masters of disguise when it comes to hiding illness. In the wild, showing signs of weakness can make them a target for predators.

This natural survival instinct often leads domesticated birds to mask symptoms of illness until they become severe.


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Unlocking the Mysteries of Parrot Body Language and Vocalizations

So, you’ve found yourself sharing a home with a parrot—or perhaps you’re contemplating the plunge into the colorful, squawking world of pet bird companionship.


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Why Is It That Parrots Live So Darn Long?

In contrast to mammals, birds exhibit remarkable longevity relative to their physical size.

The higher metabolic rate, elevated body temperature, and increased resting glucose found in avian species suggest a potential amplification in the aging process.

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