New and Improved Hagen Tropican Mash Hand-Feeding Formula is Best Ever

New and Improved Hagen Tropican Mash Hand-Feeding Formula is Best Ever

 Parrot breeders all over the world trust Hagen Tropican Mash Hand-Feeding Formula for providing their precious baby birds with all the essential nutrients necessary for excellent growth and brilliant plumage.


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Lighting and Your Bird

Lighting and Your Bird

Reprinted from the NCS Journal July/August 1999, Vol. XVI, No. 4
Lighting and Your Bird 


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Hormones Are Important in Dictating Your Birds Behavior
Hormones Are Important in Dictating Your Birds Behavior

Hormones Are Important in Dictating Your Birds Behavior

It’s spring, which means some of you may have noticed your bird’s behavior has begun to change a bit which may mean, your bird’s hormonal cycle has begun to change. You can expect many changes but above all expect the unexpected.
One of the harshest realities to deal with is the aggression that you might not have seen before which is normal and probably won’t last a long time. Unlike other pets like cats and dogs, you really can’t discipline your bird for this. Hormonal behavior will happen when a parrot hits sexual maturity causing hormones to modify his or her behavior.

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