How to Remodel a Cage to Reduce 2 Bird’s Hormonal Behavior?
Green cheek conure parrot on top of blue cage against an off-white background

How to Remodel a Cage to Reduce 2 Bird’s Hormonal Behavior?

This thread took place during the entire month of December 2020.

Spoiler alert (also found at end of the post)

Hi Catherine I don’t know if you got my email from the other day about the lighting treatment for Reggie’s hormones.

It did the trick.

She is so much friendlier to Kiwi there was just one time she went at him when he was on his stand but it wasn’t as bad as it was before the lighting treatment.

I know you are probably so busy I just wanted to know if she starts to show aggressive behavior do we do the 72 hr or 7 days she is still a little hormonal but not nearly as bad she loves going under my blanket lol.

Thanks again for your advice it was the best Christmas present we could have asked for.❤

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What Should I Do With the Three Eggs My Grey Just Laid?
A cockatiel bird at nest box incubating eggs

What Should I Do With the Three Eggs My Grey Just Laid?

Michael G. reaches back out with a new pet bird keeping challenge.


Hi, Mitch, I ordered a clamp-on light fixture for Lil’ Girl and Big Boy. 


While they have sunlight on the end of their cage (3′) and down one side (5′).


I figured it couldn’t hurt as the sunlight is filtered by windows with a light tint and filled with Argon gas which, I think, only prevents fogging. 


I am not sure about its filtering effect. 



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How Do I Care for a Splay Legged Parakeet?

How Do I Care for a Splay Legged Parakeet?

Suzanne H. is concerned about a Splayed leg 1-month-old parakeet.


My parakeets had 4 chicks. 3 are fine.


The youngest turned out to be a splayed leg.


Went to the vet with the baby.


He said there is just a 10% chance the baby could be fixed to be almost normal.


It didn’t work.



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What Sizes Do the Tropican Parrot Food Pellets Come in?

What Sizes Do the Tropican Parrot Food Pellets Come in?

Linda L. would like to know:

Is the size of the Tropican Lifetime Parrot granules much bigger than the Tropican Lifetime Cockatiel granules?

Hard to tell from pictures

Dear Linda,

The Cockatiel size granule is 2 mm, the Parrot size granule is 4 mm.

The stick-sized pellet is about 3/4″ x ¼”.


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Should I Be Concerned With a Spot on My Bird’s Beak?

Should I Be Concerned With a Spot on My Bird’s Beak?

Lois D. has a question about bird beaks:


My 12 yr old male Jenday is in fine health–eating and playing and chewing wood etc all day.


But I just noticed a spot on his beak (right side) bottom, that is bare (not black)-I cleaned his beak.


Just wondering–have searched the internet and all my books– can’t find a thing.


Can you help?


Should I be concerned? Thanks so much.



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How Can I Achieve Better Birdcage Environments for My Birds?

How Can I Achieve Better Birdcage Environments for My Birds?

Hey there, here for the brunch, but I’d like to speak to the manager, I just have a question or two before sitting down: 

So we have a 2 bird, 2 human family.   

The littlest one, a GCC named Pz is the comedian and energy ball of the group, with tons of personality packed into a 70gram feather suit.   

Our sanity these days hinges upon making sure the bird children are well taken care of, as we spend all our days with them now and find it very enriching to be attentive to their unique needs and the interesting ways in which they communicate them to us.


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Why is My Green Cheek Conure Biting Me All of a Sudden?

Elena T. is concerned:


I have a green cheek conure named Rae and he’s about 2-3 years old.


I’m not sure if Rea is a boy or a girl but I got him from the pet store pretty early on so I’m the only owner he’s ever had besides the pet store workers.


He’s a sweet bird and my family loves him but recently he’s been biting me.



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