How Does Winter Stress Your Bird?

How Does Winter Stress Your Bird?

Most birds that we find in our homes come from the equatorial regions of Earth. There’s a large difference in temperature between the Midwestern United States and South American rain forest. Aside from maintaining your bird’s optimal physical health during the winter, climate changes are counterintuitive to your bird and can be stressful.

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Bird Nail Trimming Refresher
Bird Nail Trimming Refresher

Bird Nail Trimming Refresher

Because we wear less clothing in the summer months, short sleeves, tank tops and shorts we might be feeling our birds nails little more on our skin. This is a sure sign that it’s time to trim your birds nails.

The thought of this makes a lot of people hyperventilate because they’re usually faced with three choices.

Find someone to do it professionally. Take your bird to the vet which may incur a large bill for blood workup or a wellness check, or three, doing it yourself.


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Why Do We Keep Parrots as Pets?

Why Do We Keep Parrots as Pets?

We recently shared a link on Facebook from an article in Flock Talk produced by The Garda Aviary, a rescue. The message given to the Girl Scouts on this visit was “parrots do not make good pets because they are flocking animals and are extremely loud and noisy, and they will most likely outlive their own persons parrots can live up to 80 to 90 years old”.

The posting of the article brought the following response from Melanie Allen of Hagen


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How to Stop Parrots from Screaming
How to Stop Parrots from Screaming

How to Stop Parrots from Screaming

Boy if we had THE answer we’d be writing this from our yacht. But of course I have to weigh in here. What got me thinking about the subject of “why birds scream,” is some recent web surfing.

I spend my days doing what many of you wish you could be doing, surfing the web for bird toys and parrot cages. The magic of the internet enables us to shop the world. In order for us to provide the best possible shopping experience.


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4 Bird Keeping Clean Ideas

4 Bird Keeping Clean Ideas

We’re going to get started by talking about one of our favorite product lines Lixit. Do you really need a water bottle? Birds being the messy creatures that they are will poop in their water dishes regardless of placement.

 This means the stray food, the poop, and other contaminants which carry bacteria get ingested by your bird. One of the easiest ways to overcome these problems is to install a Lixit water bottle in your birdcage.


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Parrotlet Care and Feeding Info
Pacific Parrotlet, Forpus coelestis on green grass forpus is a species of small parrot

Parrotlet Care and Feeding Info

Parrotlets – although appearing to be about the size of a parakeet, is not how they see themselves. They definitely have a big bird mentality and an abundance of energy. Because they had not been in captivity for all that long nobody really knows their average lifespan which is generally expected to be around 15 to 20 years, some say even 30. With proper care, these little birds can be quite durable pets.

In spite of their size these little birds possess all the intelligence and the attitude of the biggest of Macaws. Unlike the big Macaws, Parrotlets are easily suited for apartment dwellers as they cannot scream and are actually one of the quieter parrots you can have.


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Hormones Are Important in Dictating Your Birds Behavior
Hormones Are Important in Dictating Your Birds Behavior

Hormones Are Important in Dictating Your Birds Behavior

It’s spring, which means some of you may have noticed your bird’s behavior has begun to change a bit which may mean, your bird’s hormonal cycle has begun to change. You can expect many changes but above all expect the unexpected.
One of the harshest realities to deal with is the aggression that you might not have seen before which is normal and probably won’t last a long time. Unlike other pets like cats and dogs, you really can’t discipline your bird for this. Hormonal behavior will happen when a parrot hits sexual maturity causing hormones to modify his or her behavior.

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