Hormones Are Important in Dictating Your Birds Behavior
Hormones Are Important in Dictating Your Birds Behavior

Hormones Are Important in Dictating Your Birds Behavior

It’s spring, which means some of you may have noticed your bird’s behavior has begun to change a bit which may mean, your bird’s hormonal cycle has begun to change. You can expect many changes but above all expect the unexpected.
One of the harshest realities to deal with is the aggression that you might not have seen before which is normal and probably won’t last a long time. Unlike other pets like cats and dogs, you really can’t discipline your bird for this. Hormonal behavior will happen when a parrot hits sexual maturity causing hormones to modify his or her behavior.

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Feeding Wild Birds in Winter
Feeding Wild Birds in Winter

Feeding Wild Birds in Winter

If you feed birds, you’re in good company. Birding as a hobby currently stands second only to gardening as America’s favorite pastime. A 1997 report from the Kaytee Avian Foundation estimates that 43 percent of U.S. households or about 65 million people provide food for wild birds. And, as a nation, we spend at least 2.5 billion dollars annually on bird-related products, including birdseed and bird feeders.

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Wild Bird Feeding Questions
Wild Bird Feeding Questions

Wild Bird Feeding Questions

You recently started feeding the birds. Do not be surprised if you do not see birds immediately. It may take several weeks before birds will find a new feeder setup. Be sure to provide the appropriate set-up when starting. Include several different feeder options in your set-up and a variety of seeds to attract different types of birds. Also make sure that your yard provides a bird friendly habitat. If you have few trees or shrubs in the area of your feeder, they may not be attracted to it. Trees and shrubbery provide protective cover to birds in case of predators. 

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Free Bird Training Videos – Aggressive Biting Birds & What Not To Do
Free Bird Training Videos - Aggressive Biting Birds & What Not To Do

Free Bird Training Videos – Aggressive Biting Birds & What Not To Do

Email Newsletter 10/09/2011

It’s said in the veterinary community that the volume of knowledge with regards to parrots is doubling every five years.

Yet day after day we hear the same refrain “my bird bit me”. We’re not behaviorists. If you’re looking for a bird behaviorist look at Scott Robbins seen in the first video (left) below.

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Two New Birds
funny red bellied parrot showing off his smooth dancing moves

Two New Birds

Kriselle and I had chatted on the phone a month ago.

She shared her plans to bring two baby birds into her home.

She was taking a year off from work and felt it would give her the opportunity to make the right home for the birds.

I’ll make a note here that I recommend she start leaving the house about 3 months before returning to work starting with shorter periods but ramping up to full 8 – 10 hour days to help the birds adjust to a “prolonged absence” 


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