World Parrot Day is Celebrated Annually on May 31st
Birds, with their captivating behaviors and vibrant lives, never cease to amaze.
Among the numerous fascinating activities they engage in, anting stands out for its sheer peculiarity and complexity.
Parrots are among the few animal species that demonstrate the use of tools in various contexts, including for obtaining food.
Sleep plays a crucial role in the cognitive functions of parrots, including their memory, much like it does in humans and other animals.
Pet bird owners are generally interested in several key areas to ensure their birds are healthy, happy, and well-integrated into their homes.
Susan H writes:
Hi Mitch.
My Blue Front Amazon is 22 and she has Fatty Liver Disease.
Recently she took a chunk out of her beak.
Bold Beginnings: The Parrot Paradigm – Feathered Friends Transforming Lives
Ah, the parrot! A vibrant splash of color, a whirlwind of feathers, and let’s be honest, the ultimate test of patience for any pet owner.
Understanding the Social Dynamics of Parrots: The Vital Role of Flocks in Their Lives
Just like humans who thrive in social environments, parrots also find significant benefits in living within groups known as flocks.