How Do I Stop My 21-year-old Female Cockatiel From Screaming?

How Do I Stop My 21-year-old Female Cockatiel From Screaming?

Nancy B. has a very needy cockatiel,


My 21-year-old female cockatiel refuses to stay in her cage.


She goes to all extents to get attention, the most of which is constant screaming.


If she so much as hears a squeak as I’m walking down the stairs – she starts screaming.


She can go on for hours at a time until I finally take her out of the cage.


This behavior is constant and interestingly she tries to “mate” when she sits on my finger.



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What Is a “good” Diet for a 3-year-old Eclectus Parrot?

What Is a “good” Diet for a 3-year-old Eclectus Parrot?

Julia M. asks,

Top of the morning! Could you tell me what a “good” diet is for a three-year-old Eclectus?

I have had him since the middle of his weaning.

Editors note ~ about 20% of parrots are sexually dimorphic meaning you can tell the sex by the bird’s color. Males are green, females are red, so Julia can use the pronoun “him” with certainty. Endnote


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Can Cloacal Prolapse in Parakeets Be Prevented?
Coconut bird's nest

Can Cloacal Prolapse in Parakeets Be Prevented?

Mary S. is concerned,


Can prolapse in parakeets be prevented?


Dear Mary

Most important is prevention – assure that your birds, especially breeding hens, are in good health and are receiving optimal amounts of calcium and other minerals and vitamins. Upon noting a prolapse, you can try lubricating the tissue with a water-soluble product, such as Wet Original.


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How Do I Treat My Female Parakeet’s Feather Cyst?

How Do I Treat My Female Parakeet’s Feather Cyst?

to Mitch@WCParrot


Hello, love your website have a parakeet female about 5 years old with a cyst on the left wing.


Our avian vet was not too helpful only said it could be a feather cyst after I suggested it.


She does not seem uncomfortable but the cyst is getting bigger mostly pink with whatever color of feather appears any suggestions?



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Why Is Our Elenora Cockatoo Losing So Much Weight?

Why Is Our Elenora Cockatoo Losing So Much Weight?

Jane M. is concerned,


Our Elenora cockatoo is 24 yrs old.


Hailey has lost 27 grams in one week.


Editors note ~ the species Elenora cockatoo weigh an average of 475 g, cockatiels weigh about 100g for comparison. Endnote


We weigh her weekly.


She’s really not eating and if she does, it’s only a few bites.



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How Do I Stop My African Grey From Making These Weird Noises?
A close up of an African Grey Parrot with her beak slightly open resting on Top Her Cage

How Do I Stop My African Grey From Making These Weird Noises?

Barbara S. doesn’t know what to do,

I have an African grey named Rocky who is 29 years old.


Over the last couple of years, he started to make these strange noises day and night out of nowhere.


So we took him to our aviary vet and after several visits and numerous tests, it was determined that it is a behavioral issue.



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Hello, I Am Looking for Help in Training My Parrots
Two beautiful gray parrots on the branches

Hello, I Am Looking for Help in Training My Parrots

Sarah A. relates,


Hello, I am looking for help in training my parrots.


I have two African grey parrots.


They are 21 and we have had them their whole lives.


My mom used to handle them, however, she began to have severe allergies from their dust. 



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Is a Prevue 3181 the Right Size Playstand for My Parakeet?
common pet parakeet in front of white background

Is a Prevue 3181 the Right Size Playstand for My Parakeet?

Lisa H. wants to know,

Did I buy the right size play stand for my parakeet?

Hello. I probably should have asked you this Before I bought the play stand, but I was excited to receive it.

So now, before I open it, I would love to hear your opinion if I did right.


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