My Budgie is Plucking and I Don’t Know Why?

My Budgie is Plucking and I Don’t Know Why?

Mary W. relates:


One of my budgies (male 2 years old) got a crop infection late Jan.
He was plucking at his abdomen.
The vet put him on antibiotics and had to keep him at the vet clinic for a week as my brother had a heart attack & died and the friend that I had taking care of my birds could not catch him (fully flighted) to give him meds.
When I got back 10 days later and picked up my guy from the vet-all of his chest feathers were gone!
I figured that once I got him back to his flock he would be ok.


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Is a 20 year old Maximilian Pionus Still of Breeding Age?

Is a 20 year old Maximilian Pionus Still of Breeding Age?

Maximilian Pionus AKA Maximilian parrot AKA Maximilian’s Pionus AKA Maximilian’s parrot AKA the scaly-headed Pionus ~ (above)
Debra R. shares:
I have just acquired a 20-year-old Maximilian Pionus.
Is she still of breeding age?
She was used as a breeder her whole life, is there a point where birds are too old to breed?
Having a difficult time finding information pertinent to this breed in regard to lifespan.


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How Do I Silence My 5-year-old Female Illiger’s Macaw?

How Do I Silence My 5-year-old Female Illiger’s Macaw?

(above) 2 Illiger’s macaws aka blue-winged macaws named in honor of the German ornithologist Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger. 

Peter D. writes:

Hi, Need help.

I have a 5-year-old female Illiger Macaw. Recently she has picked up an annoying ongoing chirp when she is out of her cage and on her perch.

It’s like she is so nervous she is afraid of her own shadow.


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How Do I Get Rid of Bird Food Moths?

How Do I Get Rid of Bird Food Moths?

Solomon L writes:


I have a problem with little moths which seems to come from the bird food, they are very annoying.


I have an aviary inside the house with canary and finches, it is 8 feet tall 5 feet diameter in the circle connected with a 6 feet flight path with 8 canaries and 12 finches.


I use the Kaytee brand finch food for finch and the one for canaries.


Before when I had the Higgins premium brand I had no problems, but I could not find so I switched to Kaytee.



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Should You Bathe Cockatoos and Amazon Parrots?

Should You Bathe Cockatoos and Amazon Parrots?

Sheryl M. asks:

Hi Mitch and Catherine,

Love your information.


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