How Do I Get My Canary to Stop Singing?
Lisa S. writes:
I have an 11 yr old canary. He stopped singing until we got a budgie. Now he won’t be quiet. And he gets really LOUD. Louder than he ever sang before.
Lisa S. writes:
I have an 11 yr old canary. He stopped singing until we got a budgie. Now he won’t be quiet. And he gets really LOUD. Louder than he ever sang before.
Kathy D writes:
I have a canary winged parakeet who seems very happy but he’s very attached to me and very loud pretty much goes on all day it seems.
Lately, the only time he’s quiet is when he is eating.
Is that common or does he need companionship?
Lorraine H. asks
How do I keep my bird’s dander down?
Should I put a humidifier or air purifiers, in my birds’ room
Stacy T writes:
My bird is a plucker and your recent article about lighting is something I’d like to try.
I’m not sure what full-spectrum light to purchase as he has a cage that has a solid play top.
Laurie J writes
I read your article about extending the daylight of a hormonal bird and if that doesn’t work, setting up artificial light for 72 hours …no vet has ever recommended this and I thought it was brilliant and much better idea then lupron!!! (you’re now my go-to resource -even before a vet..and I will support you guys anyway I can!!) it makes perfect sense.
Linda Kay asks:
Hello Catherine- wondering if you can help, maybe a suggestion, we know you can’t make a diagnosis.
We have a young (1 yr) female budgie that suddenly (overnight) became wobbly, has a hard time perching, tucks her head in her wing, and has lost interest in all budgies in the flight (12) even a best buddy.
Gloria W. writes:
Hello Mz Tobsing
I appreciate your advice on light therapy as that cured the hormone problem for my little girl parakeet.
Now I have a new problem or question, please.
I have two boys and one girl parakeet each with its own cage.
The little girl has a larger cage than the boys.
All the cages sit on tables.
Steve S. Writes:
My birds have been on Harrison’s high potency for 13 years.
They are just so healthy, I don’t want to switch.
Birds act out at the most instinctual level – they are not playing games.
The original Quora question was:
“What does it mean if your pet bird hides under a table/chair?”