How Can I Stop My Parrot From Plucking Its Feathers?
diseased blue small parrot, scratching from the itch and plucking its feathers, probably bird lice or mites

How Can I Stop My Parrot From Plucking Its Feathers?

From a Facebook fan last night

I’ve got a Catalina macaw that has a problem of plucking, I took her to the vet, she has a clean bill of health, now if anyone can help with the feather plucking problem, I would appreciate it, Thanks 

From a customer on the West Coast during a phone call this week

“My 14-year-old lovebird began to pluck for no reason at all.

We have him on the best foods we can provide like Harrison’s pellets but we had to put a collar on her to stop the feather loss.

Nothing has changed in her life and she is fully flighted”


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How Do I Care For A Hyacinth Macaw And Other Macaw Species Advice

How Do I Care For A Hyacinth Macaw And Other Macaw Species Advice

“The only thing a Hyacinth macaw needs is an adult tricycle”

A big shout out to Carl Bryant mentioning Windy City Parrot where the sun never sets empire and our avian-centric Birdie Brunch served every Sunday morning at 7 AM wherever you are on the planet in answer 2 of the Quora question How Do I Care For A Hyacinth Macaw?


Let’s continue to answer one.


“If you don’t know anything about parrots. for God’s sake do not get a Hyacinth Macaw!”


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How Do I Stop My Bird From Laying Eggs?

How Do I Stop My Bird From Laying Eggs?

It’s important to review egg-laying problems on a regular basis.

The discussion below will focus on single egg-laying instances and prolific egg-laying.

Other aspects of egg-laying encompass egg binding.

This is when the egg doesn’t make it out of the oviduct, the area between the uterus and cloaca on its own.

Another problem is when eggs are laid internally.


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When Environmental Accidents Stress A Pet Bird To The Breaking Point
Blue and yellow macaw ara parrot with a huge beak with plucked feathers on the chest on jungle background

When Environmental Accidents Stress A Pet Bird To The Breaking Point

A couple of weeks ago we talked about “You Are Sick With No Caique Caregiver – Now What?

In this follow-up thread we learn that “yes, it can always be worse.”

Hello Catherine,

I had written to you several weeks ago pertaining to the safety of microwaveable popcorn.

Two weeks ago, this coming Monday, I had kidney surgery and returned to my apartment door being busted into (door locks forcibly opened). 


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Please Help Me Not Starve My Parrot

Please Help Me Not Starve My Parrot

We’ve got some feedback on our statement “50% of captive birds deaths are from malnutrition” and I’m horrified.


Dollars Mum asked some pointed nutritional questions below and I’m always glad to have this discussion.


I think that people who serve their birds “chop” I well-intentioned but very misguided. A bird living on nothing but chop is a malnourished bird.


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Handicapped Bird Videos Or What Our Birds Teach Us About Disabilities

Handicapped Bird Videos Or What Our Birds Teach Us About Disabilities

We get help desk tickets and phone calls on a regular basis seeking advice for a handicapped bird.

The most common disability is splayed foot (especially in budgies).

Splayed foot is when one or both of the bird’s feet turn sideways as a chick.

This usually happens to young birds when nesting material is “slippery” so the feet don’t have enough traction to point in the right direction while still in the nest.


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You Are Sick With No Caique Caregiver – Now What?

You Are Sick With No Caique Caregiver – Now What?

Hi Mitch! 


I hope that you, Catherine and the birdies are all well.  I just found out that I need to have kidney stone surgery (August 4th) that in the past it has always been ambulatory (one day), but this time it might turn into a 2 and possibly 3 night stay if it turns into invasive surgery and if I encounter any complications (fever, chills, infection, etc.).  I live alone and am not sure how I will manage afterward.  


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Why Birds Should Fear Humans Not Feral Cats
Close-up of young beard man with his pet Quaker parrot on shoulder at home. Monk parakeet is looking at camera with curiosity.

Why Birds Should Fear Humans Not Feral Cats

For those of you new to the discussion I recently reposted an evergreen article about the effect of feral cats on earth’s bird population.

This is a question from one of our nearest and dearest customers along with my response.

Hi Mitch. You know me. 

I’m a long-time customer of your store and will continue to be as long as the three of us are still alive on this earth. 

So it is with respect and affection that I tell you that it is irresponsible of you to deny that feral cats are harming wild birds. 


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