Is It Better To Clip Your Parrot’s Wings Or Not?
Why is humankind so focused on lopping off body parts?
We “bob” dog’s ears and tails.
We castrate bulls.
We lop off the foreskin of infant males.
Why is humankind so focused on lopping off body parts?
We “bob” dog’s ears and tails.
We castrate bulls.
We lop off the foreskin of infant males.
Firstly I need to address the “peanuts are bad for parrots” urban legend.
If you leave a pizza on the kitchen counter for two days it will get fungus.
Cheese in the best of circumstances will grow fungus in the refrigerator after about a week.
Pat F replied
Re: What should I do for my bird with a vitamin D deficiency, blood test to verify it.
He has a serious skin issue also.
you replied
what does the vet say?
Vet did blood test to rule out other problems and first text showed high uric acid and calcium deficiency.
I’m a new Grey owner… Scarlet came to us on Nov. 24th after spending her first 12 years with one owner, and his wife. She was very bonded to him.
I’m searching for some good bonding tools and would like your advice on some things that I should probably have for her cage and for when she is out, both to play with on her own and interactively with me to aid in our bonding.
My husband and I have two 14-year-old African grey parrots.
We bought them from a pet store that sold only parrots when they were chicks.
They seem very healthy – have good appetites, play, scream, etc.
However, one of the birds has been losing her feathers and it is getting worse.
I love your birdie brunch and read it first thing every Sunday. Thank you!
I hope you can help me.
I have an 8 yr. old white-bellied Caique.
Conrad has owned me since he was 3 months old.
I am also a strong proponent of flighted birds (seems to me they were made that way), so Conrad is fully-flighted.
I’m going to interpret this as a cage placement question.
The answer is not straightforward.
Parrots like privacy.
We talk a lot about the birdcage canopy effect of lining the top third of your bird’s cage with so many toys that you can not see the bird.
This gives them a sense of security in that they are not easily seen all the time.
You have some sort of window covering in your bedroom, right? (more…)
First things first.
You can use Nolvasan solution as an antibacterial flush and Betadine (available in pharmacies and most animal feed stores) to disinfect the wound on the human.
Betadine can also be used on any animal including all parrots, birds and mammals.
There’s nothing wrong with using peroxide.
Grabbing a bar of soap out of the shower or the bathroom sink to clean the wound will only add bacteria residing on that bar of soap and probably should not be used.
Hi, I’m a long-time customer and newsletter subscriber.
I currently have 6 birds which include 2 special needs parakeets that we adopted, 1 fancy parakeet, with green and yellow coloration, and is the most normal and closest to their original color before mutations.
2 green check conures, and last but not least, the bird I have a question about, my yellow color mutation parrotlet.
Unfertilized, she has no mate.
Yesterday my lovebird was a tiny velociraptor defending her nest, and I’ve been watching her ‘egg bum’ for a couple of days, now.
This morning she was bouncy and happy, apparently relieved of her butt burden, but this is not over, her bum is still looking eggy. Lovebirds usually have 5 eggs in a clutch..?