Learn About Awesome Pet Bird Supplements from Nekton
21 Awesome Bird Supplements from Nekton

Learn About Awesome Pet Bird Supplements from Nekton

Nekton Relax for Birds
is a product designed to help alleviate stress in parrots and other birds.

Stress can have various negative effects on birds, including behavioral issues, health problems, and a reduced quality of life. Here’s how Nekton Relax can assist in managing parrot stress:


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Why Do Pet Bird Keepers Allow Poop to Drop in Food Dishes?
Why do pet bird keepers allow poop to drop in food dishes?

Why Do Pet Bird Keepers Allow Poop to Drop in Food Dishes?

Marla S. Relates

Hi, your toys, treats, and perch setup is nice. Not overcrowded and laid out nicely. One comment though. 

As a Lovebird Mom for over nine years now It baffles me to this day to see other bird parents place their bird’s open food and water dishes on the cage floor! 

This is in the direct path of the bird’s droppings!

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Do My Keets & Tiels Feel Depressed in Their Life of Captivity?
Budgies in a cage

Do My Keets & Tiels Feel Depressed in Their Life of Captivity?

Captivity is a relative term. I’m not relegated to my home but I still have to pay rent, go to work, pay taxes and perform all those duties that enable me to be a good neighbor and good citizen of the world.

If captivity is all that you know it really captive? We have four budgies, all rescues. We really don’t have the background on any of them but we’ve kept them flighted thus they don’t leave the cage.


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My Personally Vetted List of Pets, Animals and Corona Virus Information

My Personally Vetted List of Pets, Animals and Corona Virus Information

Added April 2023 Drug-Resistant Bacteria Are Passing Between Pets and Their Owners, Researchers Find Bird flu risk for pets remains 'very low,' even after dog death in Ont.: experts Pet…

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Is an Infrared Heat Lamp Safe for Warming My Cockatiel?

Is an Infrared Heat Lamp Safe for Warming My Cockatiel?

Mary J asks about,

Infrared Heat Lap aka Spa Time for Kukla


After bathing my cockatiel doesn’t want to be dried in any fashion although she appears cold.


I’m concerned.


Accidentally I was using an infrared heat lamp for my knee one day, and Kukla absolutely loved staying in front of it.


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