How Long Is Too Long for Birds in Travel Carriers?

How Long Is Too Long for Birds in Travel Carriers?

Judy M. worries about:

Hi, Mitch,

The closest avian vet to me is 2 hours away, I worry about my bird being in his travel cage or carrier ( as I have both) for so long, the trip there, the trip home, the visit itself…..

Do you think it would be extremely stressful for Alex?

He has been to an exotics vet, who is only about 15 minutes from me, he was fine.


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Help ~ I Have a Greenwing Macaw Who is Almost 30 Years Old!

Help ~ I Have a Greenwing Macaw Who is Almost 30 Years Old!

Sherry S. writes:

HELP! I have a Greenwing Macaw who is almost 30 years old.  He has been with me since he was 2 years old. I have been told Greenwings regurgitate more than other breeds.

It seems he is especially bad this year and it’s been going on for months.


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Why is My Quaker Parrot Becoming More Antisocial?

Why is My Quaker Parrot Becoming More Antisocial?

Eva W. relates:

I have an 8-year-old female Quaker parrot who is becoming more and more antisocial as she ages.

I have had her since she was a baby.

She was always very skeptical of new things and situations which is probably good.

But there was not a lot of curiosity in her behavior.

She never wanted to step up on my hand.

She bites me any chance she gets even though I am her chosen person. (more…)

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My GCC Likes to Sleep in a Covered Area ~ Is This Hormonal Behavior?
green cheeked parakeet from a side view, a tropical and colorful pet from brazil

My GCC Likes to Sleep in a Covered Area ~ Is This Hormonal Behavior?

Scroll down for 8/27/20 updated responses

Christopher G. writes:

I have a question about bird behavior, and I thought it might find a home in the birdie brunch.

We have a four-year-old green cheek conure and a three-year-old Hahns macaw.

We keep them in travel/sleeping cages in our bedroom at night, with the doors unlatched so they can come out in the morning whenever they want.

Recently, at night, we have found our green cheek to have left her sleeping cage and nestled into a tight space between the two cages, underneath the towels that cover the cage.


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How Best Do We Transition Our Birds to a New Home?

Joe S. seeks an answer:


I am looking for advice on how to best transition our birds to our new home.


We are moving into a new house next week (not long-distance, just across town).


We have a 6 yo Senegal and a 5yo parrotlet who have only lived at our current home.


I know that birds can be very stressed by changes like this, and I want to make this move as easy as possible for them.


“Appreciate the advice and love reading your blogs!”



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How Do I Control My Conure’s Hormonal Behavior?

How Do I Control My Conure’s Hormonal Behavior?

Karin R Writes:

My approximately 20 yr old conure (we think male, though not verified) has been exhibiting hormonal behaviors for weeks.

The worst thing is the frequent regurgitation.

My vet suggested that it is possible that a change in routine due to the pandemic is causing this.

I am certainly home more, but pre-pandemic I was gone for a couple of hours a day and did not have the same schedule every day.

I still leave for an hour or two most days, so it is not a big change.

Previously these behaviors lasted for a week or so, this time it has been going on for 6 weeks or more.


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Neighbor’s Are Suing Me for My Amazon’s Noise What Can I Do?

Neighbor’s Are Suing Me for My Amazon’s Noise What Can I Do?

Pamela S writes:


I’ve 2 yellow Naples 37 and 40 years of age I’ve had since hand feeding. 


Recently after 26 years in this neighborhood my neighbor after 8 years has taken me to court for noise violation.


They’re outdoor cages in Fl. With 1 umbrella cockatoo in this heat, the judge said I should cover them which would kill them.



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I Have Questions About the 72 Hour Circadian Reset Technique

I Have Questions About the 72 Hour Circadian Reset Technique

Bill P. asks:


I have questions about the 72-hour circadian reset technique.


1. During the day portion of the 72 hour period would there be a problem with taking the bird, Blue and Gold Macaw out of her cage for food, exercise, and to interact with the family.


2. Can you provide clinical references pertaining to this technique?



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