Why A Birds Flicker Fusion Rate Is So Important For Fast Flight
Flock of flying birds. Green and blue parrots stand out in group flight.

Why A Birds Flicker Fusion Rate Is So Important For Fast Flight

Over the past few years, we’ve been emphasizing the proper use of man-made lighting and its effect on pet birds.

Search results when googling the term “pet bird lighting” predominantly yield links to products relating to lighting for pet birds.

With the exception of Windy City Parrot and the Lafebers blog, it is difficult to find information about pet birds and the many ways light affects them.


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How Important Is Artificial Lighting For Pet Birds

How Important Is Artificial Lighting For Pet Birds

Our first answer comes from a question on Quora

Do parrots we rear at home need sunlight?

Firstly, lets set the record straight.

No amount of natural sunlight nor artificial light will help with the production of any vitamin in a bird’s body.

This is because of the dual integumentary systems of feathers and skin.


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Why is My Severe Macaw is Losing All Its Feathers?
Parrot bird (Severe Macaw) sitting on the branch

Why is My Severe Macaw is Losing All Its Feathers?

My severe macaw is losing all its feathers.

The vet says I should switch her to 80% pellet food.

However, I am not convinced. I don’t think they eat pellets in the wild.

I am trying adding HARI Prime vitamin, mineral, and amino acid supplement w/probiotics to her diet.

Do you think this is an acceptable alternative?


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Why Do My 2 Amazon Parrots Get Scared When I Put Toys In Their Cage

Why Do My 2 Amazon Parrots Get Scared When I Put Toys In Their Cage

Angela wrote:

It does not matter if the toys are small, medium or large.

mitchr asks

Do they tolerate plexiglass? Plastic?

Angela said

Locking rings are a toy I offer but they will not play with them.

Instead, they go around them as if the ring toys were in their way or annoyed them


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Will My Quaker Parrot Warm Up To My Cockatiel And Budgie
How Often and How Much Time Should I Interact With My Parrot?

Will My Quaker Parrot Warm Up To My Cockatiel And Budgie

Katie L. Asks

Is there ever a chance my Quaker Parrot Blu will warm up to my other birds?

He just turned 1, I’ve had him since he was a baby.

We got Winnie the Cockatiel as a baby about 6 months after Blu and just a few weeks ago Chip the parakeet joined our flock.

Blu isn’t as aggressive w/Winnie at this point, but he used to stalk her.

He loved pulling a feather or biting her toes and as a result, Winnie is scared of Blu and little baby Chip.


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Solving This Greys Feather Plucking With A New Nano Environment

Solving This Greys Feather Plucking With A New Nano Environment

Spoiler alert: This post and discussion illustrate how I reached my diagnosis:

Jan is plucking his feathers because his feet hurt.
He’s using his food dish to sleep.
This helps avoid pressure to the bottom of his feet  which he feels when they grip the smooth dowel rod perch.
That’s why he plucks in the sleeping cage – he wants the pain to ease.


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What is Normal Jenday Conure Behavior?

What is Normal Jenday Conure Behavior?

Elaine and Mango the Jenday Conure


Dear Mitch & Catherine


I just recently got a Jenday Conure in late October and I named him Mango.


He has his royal blue feathers on his wings and tail but is not too socialized with people.


The breeder advised that he came to her, but the circumstances were unclear.


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What Human Foods And Spices Are Good For Pet Birds

What Human Foods And Spices Are Good For Pet Birds

relating to or characterized by anthropomorphism.
having human characteristics.
“anthropomorphic bears and monkeys”

I love that word.

I like how it feels on the tongue.

It’s also a big reason we see so many failures and pet bird care.

We make chop because salads are healthy for us.


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