Can I Always Keep an African Gray Parrot in a Cage That is Placed in the Living Room?

Can I Always Keep an African Gray Parrot in a Cage That is Placed in the Living Room?

I’m going to interpret this as a cage placement question.

The answer is not straightforward.

Parrots like privacy.

We talk a lot about the birdcage canopy effect of lining the top third of your bird’s cage with so many toys that you can not see the bird.

This gives them a sense of security in that they are not easily seen all the time.

You have some sort of window covering in your bedroom, right? (more…)

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Should My Budgies Nap Early So They Can Stay Up Late?

Should My Budgies Nap Early So They Can Stay Up Late?

The original question on Quora was: Can I leave the lights out for my budgies for a few hours in the early evening so they can take a nap?

They usually stay up until 2am with us? 

All birds get an extraordinarily large amount of information from sunlight both the visible spectrum that you and I can see and the invisible spectrum UVA/UVB light.

The light is sent to the pineal gland just behind the right eye where it tells the bird how long the day is and sets off melatonin cells that vibrate like micro metronomes enabling birds to tell the precise time of day – although they don’t know the day.


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12 YouTubers For Parrot Lovers You Need To Know

12 YouTubers For Parrot Lovers You Need To Know

At first I thought to myself “this’ll be fun.”


Once I started the project it was a bit more difficult than I forecasted.


I originally started with 9 YouTube channels but some favorites needed to be included not simply based upon numbers.


For those who are not following on us Facebook or our YouTube channel, you’ll note that we are ramping up our use of Fid-eo to better communicate caged bird care.


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What Challenges Does Your Bird Face This Spring And Summer?

What Challenges Does Your Bird Face This Spring And Summer?

Linda F asks,

Hi, As spring approaches we look to protect furry as well as feathered friends.  Any suggestions on Frontline and heart guard type products that are safe around parrots and toos (Cockatoos) when used on three little dogs?

Are the two above mentioned harmful when used on a dog that lives in the same house as a bird?

Thank you for all help I have received as my CAG (Congo African Grey, goffie (Goffin Cockatoo) learn to share our life together.

Would not have made it as smoothly this far without your good advice and Birdy Brunch. Thank you again. Linda,

Micha and Stewie


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The Challenge Of Rescuing An Older Injured Citron Cockatoo
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The Challenge Of Rescuing An Older Injured Citron Cockatoo

Thank you Constance R.


So often its important to hear from independent third parties who provide valuable feedback on our pet bird content.


Having been in the process of rescuing budgies, (current budgie census is at six) and spending a lot of time with Peaches, our Senegal parrot weighing in at about 115 g, our recent focus has been skewed towards smaller birds.


Constance has a Congo African Grey and an Umbrella Cockatoo and from her recommendations, this is going to be a cockatoo-lishish post.


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7 Budgie And Parakeet Questions Answered

7 Budgie And Parakeet Questions Answered

Question about Male Parakeet.


Every time I put my arm in the cage he attacks it, or he flies at me when I look in the cage.


My female looks depressed like she would rather he move out.


She used to be so happy.


I got her first, then him a couple of months after.


She would sing, and play with her toys.



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What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?
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What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?

I don’t know that there’s enough storage space on the Quora servers to answer this.


I read that parrots are loud, noisy, and messy – a lot.

Then again so are children.

Let’s start with a top-level explanation.

Pet people in the disciple category will always react negatively towards the word own preferring instead to call it pet bird companionship.

In reality, birds are the most owned pets we can have.

We have to lock them up in a bird jail.


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We’ve Learned How Much We Know and Don’t Know About Captive Bird Care After Taking the Exam

We’ve Learned How Much We Know and Don’t Know About Captive Bird Care After Taking the Exam

Find the Birdy IQ exam here if you haven’t taken it

Of the first 170 exams we had a 25% pass with 75% correct answers to 44 multiple and true/false questions

Please share your comments below terms if you think this helped or did not.

What else would you like to see?

more questions and/or explanations to the answers.

Please comment below


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Which Are the Most Affectionate Parrots and What Makes Them That Way?
White cockatoo in front of white background

Which Are the Most Affectionate Parrots and What Makes Them That Way?

Just about any bird has the ability to be “affectionate” but we should define affectionate first.

In most cases it goes beyond the affection you would see between a parent and child.

At the end of the day, all thinking animals have one thing in mind and one purpose on earth which is to procreate. (more…)

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How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird’s Holistically

How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird’s Holistically

Pet food manufacturers as well as Internet “influencers” somehow associate the word “holistic” with “healthy” which indicates (to me) they clearly never read the definition of “holistic“.


ho·lis·tic – adjective


PHILOSOPHY – characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.


Thus from this point forward, you will go forth and snigger the next time someone tries to sell you holistic anything.


When you interact with us,


whether it be here, on our website, social media, email, or any other form of communication, we try to introduce you to holistic bird health as a way of succeeding with captive bird care – meaning: 


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