Does My English Budgie Have Testicular Cancer?

Does My English Budgie Have Testicular Cancer?

Pam G writes:

I have a 4-year-old male English budgie whose cere has changed from blue to purplish brown.


He also has loose whitish droppings and very large regular droppings.


He recently has stopped talking and doesn’t show interest in his mating rituals with his toys.


I am concerned that he has testicular cancer.



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What Kind of Bird Should I Get at 60?

What Kind of Bird Should I Get at 60?

Darla S asks:

Can you suggest a few medium-sized parrot species for a 1st-time owner about to turn 60y?

I am interested in moderation (moderate affection, playfulness, independence, friendliness, and noise) ability to talk would be a plus.

I still work full time, and live alone in my own house.


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How Do I Help My Rescue Budgie with Splayed Leg?

How Do I Help My Rescue Budgie with Splayed Leg?

From Donna E.


question: I have recently been given a parakeet with a splayed leg. 


He eats and flys but he’s not very active and basically just sits in one place for long periods of time, especially if another keet doesn’t land next to him to get him moving.



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How Can I Learn To Care For Every Pet Bird Type On The Planet?

How Can I Learn To Care For Every Pet Bird Type On The Planet?

Having the responsibility of digital marketing for Windy City Parrot I Recently Googled the term “parrot care.”


A keyword phrase we need to rank for much better. 


What singularly struck me was a mediocrity of information for the top-ranked links on page 1 of Google’s search results.


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What Are Some Tips for Keeping a Parrot?

What Are Some Tips for Keeping a Parrot?

I wear many hats at Windy City Parrot.

About 30% of my week I wear my CMO hat which means Chief Marketing Officer.

In keeping well-versed in marketing I read a huge amount of content.

One recurring theme I see is this is the way I should be marketing to millennial’s.

The perfect way to market to millennial’s is……..


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