One Of My African Greys Has Been Losing Feathers And It Is Getting Worse

One Of My African Greys Has Been Losing Feathers And It Is Getting Worse

My husband and I have two 14-year-old African grey parrots.

We bought them from a pet store that sold only parrots when they were chicks.

They seem very healthy – have good appetites, play, scream, etc.

However, one of the birds has been losing her feathers and it is getting worse.


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Should I Be Concerned My Peach-faced Lovebird Made an Egg?

Should I Be Concerned My Peach-faced Lovebird Made an Egg?

Unfertilized, she has no mate.

Yesterday my lovebird was a tiny velociraptor defending her nest, and I’ve been watching her ‘egg bum’ for a couple of days, now.

This morning she was bouncy and happy, apparently relieved of her butt burden, but this is not over, her bum is still looking eggy. Lovebirds usually have 5 eggs in a clutch..?


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Is a Cockatoo Right for My Family with Young Children?
A cute Asian girl petting a white cockatoo bird on its head. Happy and smiling.

Is a Cockatoo Right for My Family with Young Children?

From Matthew Barrier a LinkedIn connection

yo Mitch whats a good bird for a family with little children. ive heard of stories of cockatoos i think umbrellas crawling up into bed with little children and snuggling… 

anyways would love to hear your thoughts… 2 yr old and 13 yr old


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12 YouTubers For Parrot Lovers You Need To Know

12 YouTubers For Parrot Lovers You Need To Know

At first I thought to myself “this’ll be fun.”


Once I started the project it was a bit more difficult than I forecasted.


I originally started with 9 YouTube channels but some favorites needed to be included not simply based upon numbers.


For those who are not following on us Facebook or our YouTube channel, you’ll note that we are ramping up our use of Fid-eo to better communicate caged bird care.


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Exercise Your Bird – Why and How – Videos

Exercise Your Bird – Why and How – Videos

We focus on bird and parrot nutrition a lot here because of the complexity of a bird’s anatomy.

Birds require far more energy than their ground-based counterparts.

Migratory birds fly at high altitudes where the air is thin.

You and I would require supplemental oxygen at those altitudes.


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We’ve Learned How Much We Know and Don’t Know About Captive Bird Care After Taking the Exam

We’ve Learned How Much We Know and Don’t Know About Captive Bird Care After Taking the Exam

Find the Birdy IQ exam here if you haven’t taken it

Of the first 170 exams we had a 25% pass with 75% correct answers to 44 multiple and true/false questions

Please share your comments below terms if you think this helped or did not.

What else would you like to see?

more questions and/or explanations to the answers.

Please comment below


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What Is the Life Expectancy of a Parrot?

What Is the Life Expectancy of a Parrot?

There are no ways to predict the lifespan of any bird. The American Veterinarian Association says that 50% of all pet bird deaths are the result of malnutrition.

I was at a seminar where nationally known avian veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker spoke. She related a story of how an 80-year-old woman brought in a budgie for a wellness check.


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Exploring Indian Ringnecks

Exploring Indian Ringnecks

Indian ringnecks aka Rose-winged parrots

Editors note: Approximately 20% of parrots are sexually dimorphic meaning sex can be determined by color. Male Eclectus parrots are green, female Eclectus are red (with good reason)

Male budgies generally have a blue cere and female’s, a brown cere. Male Indian ringnecks are the ones with the rings.

Lisa L. G

So I have some questions about IRN’s.

Now all the research I read says NOT to train them for a year as they need this time to get to know their new flock (me, the dogs, and my husband). he took to me right off the bat. My hubby, he is leery of.. like runs away. Have any tips for them to connect?


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How Do I Stop Our 6 Parakeets From Laying Eggs and Making Babies?

How Do I Stop Our 6 Parakeets From Laying Eggs and Making Babies?

 Hello, I am in a bit of a situation and I’m hoping that you can help me. I have had three parakeets for almost 6 years now.

Recently one of the birds has started to lay eggs. At first we were excited, we didn’t think they would actually lay eggs since we have had them for so long.


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