What’s a Good Diet for a Moluccan Cockatoo?

What’s a Good Diet for a Moluccan Cockatoo?

Charles P. has a feeding question:      

I feed my Moluccan cockatoo a daily feeding of frozen mixed veg, fresh carrot, snow peas, green beans, grapes, apples and pasta, chickpeas, and sometimes hard-boiled eggs, plus Kaytee rainbow large parrot feed.

Is that a good mix of food and veggies?


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Help ~ I Have a Greenwing Macaw Who is Almost 30 Years Old!

Help ~ I Have a Greenwing Macaw Who is Almost 30 Years Old!

Sherry S. writes:

HELP! I have a Greenwing Macaw who is almost 30 years old.  He has been with me since he was 2 years old. I have been told Greenwings regurgitate more than other breeds.

It seems he is especially bad this year and it’s been going on for months.


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In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

In Response to “Do You Serve Your Pet Bird Chop?”

Sherry L. comments:

Yes, my birds are fed ‘chop’ (Arlo the grey, calls it ‘bobbity’) This is a new term for what I have done for 28+ years.

Chop is chopped veg, grains, and sometimes, a tiny bit of seed sprinkled on top or a bit of walnut, or something.

I used to cut the vegetables larger because Arlo was pretty accepting of lots of things, and I didn’t have a food processor.

I also (now) feed Arlo a pelleted diet, along with the chop.

She also gets a small amount of fruit, and sometimes about an inch square of chicken breast (baked) or some steamed scallop (yum).


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My Budgie is Plucking and I Don’t Know Why?

My Budgie is Plucking and I Don’t Know Why?

Mary W. relates:


One of my budgies (male 2 years old) got a crop infection late Jan.
He was plucking at his abdomen.
The vet put him on antibiotics and had to keep him at the vet clinic for a week as my brother had a heart attack & died and the friend that I had taking care of my birds could not catch him (fully flighted) to give him meds.
When I got back 10 days later and picked up my guy from the vet-all of his chest feathers were gone!
I figured that once I got him back to his flock he would be ok.


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How Do I Get Rid of Bird Food Moths?

How Do I Get Rid of Bird Food Moths?

Solomon L writes:


I have a problem with little moths which seems to come from the bird food, they are very annoying.


I have an aviary inside the house with canary and finches, it is 8 feet tall 5 feet diameter in the circle connected with a 6 feet flight path with 8 canaries and 12 finches.


I use the Kaytee brand finch food for finch and the one for canaries.


Before when I had the Higgins premium brand I had no problems, but I could not find so I switched to Kaytee.



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