What are Good Protein Sources for Parrots?
Copyright Laszlo Konya

What are Good Protein Sources for Parrots?

Gabby M. relates

Hi all,

I make a chop of fresh veggies and if I can, fruit, but my guys do not seem to like fruit, since we incorporated it into the diet my Senegal Gabby does not eat any of his seed mix or his pellets or anything but the chop, I have incorporated beans and edamame into it for protein but am afraid he might not be getting enough protein.

I am putting it in twice a day at the evening change of food and in am before I head out so he has more to eat.

I am not sure if he gets enough protein in his diet with only the beans?


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Why Are My Green Cheek Conures Unable to Fly When Wet?

Why Are My Green Cheek Conures Unable to Fly When Wet?

Chris T. is concerned about:


My 2 birds are not repelling some of the water.


I’m not sure how to state this but the water would bead up and not get completely wet.


After bathing could fly. Now they are completely wet and cannot fly.


I am wondering if they have a vitamin deficiency, or it can just be age?



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How Do I Get My Rescue African Grey Parrot to Bathe?

How Do I Get My Rescue African Grey Parrot to Bathe?

Gail M. would like to know


My birds are all rescues.


I have a CAG (Congo African Grey) of about 18.


He is I believe in a Featherland cage.


Very large four feet wide and two deep dome top.


The dishes for food and water have a bar across to keep them from falling into the cage and having a transparent cover outside.


He tries to bathe in the water dish.



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Should I Get a Quaker, Ringneck, or Conure?
Happy father and daughter choosing pretty bird for keeping in pet shop

Should I Get a Quaker, Ringneck, or Conure?

Kayla writes to ask:


I’m stuck between getting a conure or a quaker (ok maybe an Indian ringneck too), and could really use advice on what current owners think.


I’m hoping to find a best friend who wants to be involved, cuddly, silly, and maybe even say a few words eventually.


I mostly don’t want one who screams and screeches all day.


Is a quaker on the right track?



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Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?
playing parakeet and Cockatiel

Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?

Kim W. wants to know


Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?


Dear Kim


One-word answer. NO!


We recently were given a baby parakeet from a customer who found it outside her apartment building.


She could not keep it as she has an ailing bird currently and didn’t want to take a risk.



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What Toxins Found in Peanuts Are Bad for My Bird?

What Toxins Found in Peanuts Are Bad for My Bird?

Cynthia W. writes

I finally saved up money to buy a huge bag of roasted peanuts and now I’m worried about the toxins.

I thought roasted would help, but I guess not.

I purchased (for human consumption) from a company that seems legit Hampton Farms No Salt Roasted In Shell Peanuts, 5 lb. Bag Brand: Hampton Farms.

Are Peanuts a Hazard for Birds?

(Not hermetically sealed just in a ziplock bag) I hate to throw them out as my parrots like them as a treat. I guess I need to peel from the shell from what I read as the shell has most of the Aflatoxin.


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What Is the Lowest Temperature Can My 2 Greys Survive Outside?
Two beautiful gray parrots on the branches

What Is the Lowest Temperature Can My 2 Greys Survive Outside?

Grae W. wonders


Hello, I have two 21-year-old grays, that I have had since they were young babies.


They are very healthy and happy birds. In the winter months, in the south (NC), I put them out in their cage on sunny, non-windy days, if it’s above 47 degrees.


As their cage loses the sun, I bring them in, and put them on their perch, in a glass door walk-in shower.


I have asthma, so must not bring in their cage.



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