Can Light Therapy Solve These 3 Birds Hormonal Problems?

Can Light Therapy Solve These 3 Birds Hormonal Problems?

Drugs like Lupron, Haldol, and Prozac were designed and tested by the FDA on humans.


Zero long-term testing of these drugs has been performed on any bird ~ ever.


The next time a veterinarian tells you “these are safe for your bird.”


Your response should be “please provide the data that backs up your statement.”



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Should I Switch From Harrisons Pellet Bird Food?
a cockatiel an a white background with some pellets food

Should I Switch From Harrisons Pellet Bird Food?

Victor V writes:

Hi, I hope you can help. I have been feeding my female Grey for years on Harrison’s Bird Foods High Potency Coarse.

Been getting the pellets from Amazon.

When we started this latest bag, she started just grinding the large pellets (not sure if she is eating them) and scattering them about the cage.


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Does My English Budgie Have Testicular Cancer?

Does My English Budgie Have Testicular Cancer?

Pam G writes:

I have a 4-year-old male English budgie whose cere has changed from blue to purplish brown.


He also has loose whitish droppings and very large regular droppings.


He recently has stopped talking and doesn’t show interest in his mating rituals with his toys.


I am concerned that he has testicular cancer.



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Why is My Female Budgie So Mean to Her Partner?

Why is My Female Budgie So Mean to Her Partner?

Sheila J. asks:


Why is my female budgie being so selfish and mean to her partner they have been together 1 yr and all of a sudden she won’t even let him eat.


I have to watch her shes real mean to him.


Catherine replied


Dear Sheila



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