The Best List Of What Woods And Plants That Are Bird Safe Or Not

The Best List Of What Woods And Plants That Are Bird Safe Or Not

i have some drift wood that my grandkids collected from a creek way out in country wanting make bird perches to put in bird cages. what do i have to do to wood or is this safe.

i soaked in tub for 2 days putting new water on 2-3 times a day. can i use or should i throw away do not know what kind of wood


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Why Are My Green Cheek Conures Unable to Fly When Wet?

Why Are My Green Cheek Conures Unable to Fly When Wet?

Chris T. is concerned about:


My 2 birds are not repelling some of the water.


I’m not sure how to state this but the water would bead up and not get completely wet.


After bathing could fly. Now they are completely wet and cannot fly.


I am wondering if they have a vitamin deficiency, or it can just be age?



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How Do I Get My Rescue African Grey Parrot to Bathe?

How Do I Get My Rescue African Grey Parrot to Bathe?

Gail M. would like to know


My birds are all rescues.


I have a CAG (Congo African Grey) of about 18.


He is I believe in a Featherland cage.


Very large four feet wide and two deep dome top.


The dishes for food and water have a bar across to keep them from falling into the cage and having a transparent cover outside.


He tries to bathe in the water dish.



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Should I Get a Quaker, Ringneck, or Conure?
Happy father and daughter choosing pretty bird for keeping in pet shop

Should I Get a Quaker, Ringneck, or Conure?

Kayla writes to ask:


I’m stuck between getting a conure or a quaker (ok maybe an Indian ringneck too), and could really use advice on what current owners think.


I’m hoping to find a best friend who wants to be involved, cuddly, silly, and maybe even say a few words eventually.


I mostly don’t want one who screams and screeches all day.


Is a quaker on the right track?



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Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?
playing parakeet and Cockatiel

Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?

Kim W. wants to know


Can I Put A Baby Budgie In With My Cockatiel?


Dear Kim


One-word answer. NO!


We recently were given a baby parakeet from a customer who found it outside her apartment building.


She could not keep it as she has an ailing bird currently and didn’t want to take a risk.



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