Tips on Painting & Restoring Older Bird Cages

Tips on Painting & Restoring Older Bird Cages

I think the main reason that people don’t try to paint older bird cages is because of what they’ve heard or read about the harmful effects of lead, zinc, and so forth.
The point that needs to be made is that most of the paints sold in the US for the past 40 years can be safe for human infants – as long as it’s dry.
Our government really wasn’t thinking about our birds – they were looking out for our children. The government has gone to great lengths to ensure that paint sold for use in the home is safe. The confusing issue is something called “Flashing”.

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How Droopy Wings Sent Us Flying to Our Avian Vet This Morning
flying gray cockatiel in front of white background

How Droopy Wings Sent Us Flying to Our Avian Vet This Morning

We keep the apartment at a cool 65° but Popcorn has an oil-filled heater next to her cage and an old-fashioned mercury thermometer next to her cage so we know that she’s in a temperature comfort zone. 

She had been spending a lot more time in her birdcage rather subdued. We attributed it to the cool apartment meaning she enjoyed staying warm in her cage. 

I had run errands earlier and when I got home she had moved from one of her Booda perches that she sleeps and spends most of her time on to her heated perch. I didn’t give it a second thought. 


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How Do I Reduce My Male Budgies Aggression?

How Do I Reduce My Male Budgies Aggression?

I look forward to getting your email every Sunday and reading it has become as much a ritual as the old Sunday paper.

And now I have a question for you.

Thunder and Lightning are my bonded parakeets.

I’ve had them for years.

Last summer I saw more and more breeding activity, so I bought a box and let nature take its course.

Thunder laid four eggs, one of which was fertilized.


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Let’s Start With Forgetting That Birds Do Not Like Change!
Girl with pet parrot bird happy smiles portrait.

Let’s Start With Forgetting That Birds Do Not Like Change!

Hi! I very much enjoy your emails and all the information you provide. By the way, my green conure (Wyndle) looks just like the bird you have in the picture with you, Mitch.

Wyndle is a “mutt”, not a pedigree like my Sun Conure was. She has a HUGE personality and is full of spunk; very strong, inquisitive, eats all day (not overweight, tho), etc.


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What’s Up With the Disconnect Between Avian Vets & Birds?
Veterinarian examining Alexandrine parakeet in clinic, closeup

What’s Up With the Disconnect Between Avian Vets & Birds?


I have a question and thought perhaps you might know the answer. I am also a strong proponent of flighted birds. I was wondering if there is any scientific data on whether flighted birds are less likely to pluck?
It would seem to me that being able to fly produces a more confident, content bird, so it stands to reason that it would reduce feather plucking.


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Do Parrots Know What They’re Saying or Are They Just Repeating Sounds?

Do Parrots Know What They’re Saying or Are They Just Repeating Sounds?

The following are the leading paragraphs to some of the more than 30 answers to this question on Quora.

“My African Grey has startled me so many times that I now assume he knows what he’s saying, even if he doesn’t always choose to communicate on that level with My African Grey has startled me so many times that I now assume he knows what he’s saying, even if he doesn’t always choose to communicate on that level with me”.


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8 Simple Actions You Can Take to Keep Your Bird Healthy
Veterinarian doctor is making a check up of a kramer parrot. Veterinary Concept.

8 Simple Actions You Can Take to Keep Your Bird Healthy

1 – Weigh your bird

Birds are prey animals. Evolution has taught them that if they look weak they are more subject to an attack by a predator in the wild. Thus it is not uncommon to see a bird appear to be healthy one day then fall over dead the next because there are no visual symptoms like you can see with a cat or dog.

One of the most precise tools you can obtain for a mere $19 is our best bird scale ever which can be used to weigh birds from budgies to large macaws.

When you weigh your bird regularly at least twice a month you can easily see large swings in weight gain or loss possibly indicating an illness without being visible by looking at the bird.


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R-E-S-P-E-C-T the Beak!

R-E-S-P-E-C-T the Beak!

R-E-S-P-E-C-T that is what your parrot needs


Aretha Franklin famously sang the song Respect where that word was spelled out as above. The song was about demanding that a man respect her if he wanted her love. But the same word applies to our parrots just as much if we want to develop good, healthy, loving relationships with them.


These magnificent animals are not like domesticated dogs and, in some cases even cats, whereupon first meeting, positive interaction is likely.



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