How Do I Cut and Care for My Pet Bird’s Feathers?

How Do I Cut and Care for My Pet Bird’s Feathers?

I’ve combined several questions in this post, all related to feather care, you know those hundreds (thousands) of lighter than air floating things around your home, under the birdcage and on the floor.

Feathered factoid: small pet birds like budgies can have 4000 – 6000 feathers.

Larger parrots can have upwards of 8000 feathers (we count them coming out of the shop vac).

Waterbirds like ducks and swans have upwards of 10,000 feathers or more.


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How Can I Help My Egg Bound Cockatoo?

How Can I Help My Egg Bound Cockatoo?

Debbie S. writes: Hi! I got your contact info from a long-time bird-loving friend. I reached out to “Gloria” yesterday as she has lots of birds and bird knowledge and we have 1 bird. We have an Umbrella Crested Cockatoo – since she hatched and is now age 28. She’s very healthy all her life, good diet, exercise, toys, etc.

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How Do I Handle My One Winged Cockatiel?
20661926 - image of yellow parrot sitting on moon

How Do I Handle My One Winged Cockatiel?

Brandi T. seeks cockatiel  advice:


Hi! I’ve been reading and learning from you guys for the last 8 years.


So I’m really hoping you have some advice for me!


Recently we’ve adopted a female cockatiel, Roxy.


She came from a high profile hoarding case here in Michigan.


She’s one of over 200 animals who lived under garbage, in cages of twenty plus birds, most of which were eating their mates and young.


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Can a Canary and Weaver Finch Share a Cage?

Black-headed weaver (AKA weavers, weaverbirds, weaver finches, and bishops) male nest building ~ above

Jeanne G. writes:

I have a canary and am thinking about getting a Weaver finch.

Feathered factoid: Finches are part of the canary family.

At the pets store, they were in the same cage: canaries and one Weaver finch that the owner said sings beautifully.

My young canary is just starting to sing.


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Why Blame Your Bird for Destroying Furniture or Injuring Itself?

Why Blame Your Bird for Destroying Furniture or Injuring Itself?

The thread below triggered the idea for this post.

It’s time to revisit the general subject of where to put your bird when it’s out of the cage.

It’s also time to look at some common sense pet bird-keeping ideas.

From Facebook:

“How do I get my bird to stop biting my neck?”

Answer: “Don’t put them on your shoulder until the bird is trained.”


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How Can I Avoid Having Lesbian Budgies?

How Can I Avoid Having Lesbian Budgies?

Marie A. reached out:


I have a real problem and need to fix it asap – doing what is best for both birds ……

I purchased what I hoped was a male for my pink eyed yellow female Flash.

“Tiki” turned out to be a female and right about that time I had to move in with my elderly mother who had 2 back fractures and the birds came with me.


I also have another bonded pair male/female but the male is very old and past breeding age.



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