What Type of Macaw Makes the Best Pet for a Small Family?

What Type of Macaw Makes the Best Pet for a Small Family?

Please don’t get discouraged because of one anecdotal story of stupidity. (See other Quora answers below) People die in car crashes every day but most of us still drive.

Here’s a little back story for you. The ancient Greeks kept parakeets. Not necessarily budgies because the Alexandrian parakeet got its name from Alexander the Great.  As the story goes Alexander was gifted one of those around 327 BC

File under more money than brains. We all know how crazy the Romans were but not many people know that they would assign a slave to take care of the family bird which was usually a parrot of some sort.


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The Secret of Do Birds in Cages Suffer All Their Lives?
selective focus of bright amazon parrot sitting in bird cage

The Secret of Do Birds in Cages Suffer All Their Lives?

I’ve often said the perfect size cage for a Green Wing Macaw is 30 acres. Many birds can and do suffer miserably in cages. There are ways we can offset the majority of the stress for our captive birds — but many of us do not.

Full transparency — I’m a companion to one Senegal parrot and four budgies. That in and of itself does not make me an expert. What makes me an expert in my 15 years of interacting with tens of thousands of captive bird owners while operating the Windy City Parrot website


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At Last, The Secret To Keeping Food And Cage Accessories Free Of Bird Poop Is Revealed

At Last, The Secret To Keeping Food And Cage Accessories Free Of Bird Poop Is Revealed

From Marla S.

Hi,  Your toys, treats, and perch setup is nice.  Not overcrowded and laid out nicely.  One comment though.

As a Lovebird Mom for over nine years now, it baffles me to this day to see other bird parents place their bird’s open food and water dishes on the cage floor!  

This is in the direct path of the bird’s poop!  Would you place your human’s child’s food and water dishes in the bottom of the toilet?  No.


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Do Hormones Control This Amazons Seasonal Regurgitation?

Do Hormones Control This Amazons Seasonal Regurgitation?

Dear Mitch, Catherine, and associates,

First thank you for the opportunity to contact you about my parrot, who’s a BF Amazon, named “Dollar.” I wish to add, I adopted him at 6 yrs old, and he wouldn’t let me call him any other name than what it had been.

So, he’s a fabulously happy birdie, but several years in a row around this time of year, he begins to regurgitate and swallow, over and over again. He holds the top of a bell and raises and lowers his head like an oil well, only really fast.

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Does UV Light Really Help Produce Vitamin D3 in Birds?

Does UV Light Really Help Produce Vitamin D3 in Birds?

Have you ever wished you could see the additional ultraviolet light spectrum that birds can?

I’ve been a strong proponent of using light cycles to interrupt the circadian rhythms of our pet birds 

I’m also fully convinced that no amount of artificial lighting over birdcage will help a bird produce vitamin D3 regardless of the lumens, quality of the ultraviolet spectrum emitted or the distance from the light source to the cage 


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Why Do We Not Trust Our Birds to Fly?

Why Do We Not Trust Our Birds to Fly?

Why is it that some of us don’t trust a bird’s 99 million year old instincts to fly – but will trust a teenager to navigate a 3500 pound terrestrial vehicle at 60 MPH on a crowded highway – after 36 hours of classroom and road training? 

The below video received 349,906 views on YouTube. We got 11,000 views in a week after placing this video on our Facebook fan page.

From the 11,000 views we received the following comments


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5 Best Practices For When Someone Gives You a Pair of Parakeets

5 Best Practices For When Someone Gives You a Pair of Parakeets

Hi, a year ago someone gave me a pair of parakeets. I gave them a big cage, and tried working with them, individually. They are almost 4 years old, and are happy to see me, but not interested in being held, or scratched, and that is ok.

I have an African grey parrot, who has lived with me for 26 years, she interacts with me and my family and is really pretty funny and wicked smart.


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Why How Intelligent Are Birds and Parrots Will Make You Question Everything

Why How Intelligent Are Birds and Parrots Will Make You Question Everything

Recently Science magazine ran an article entitled “Parrots, songbirds pack more neurons into their forebrains than most mammals”.

Now some scientists are saying that birds are way more intelligent than we ever thought because they somehow counted the total number of forebrain neurons – with soup (we’ll get to that in a bit)!

The study, published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that 28 bird species have more neurons in their pallial telencephalons, the brain region responsible for higher level learning, than mammals with similar-sized brains.


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My Cockatiel Shrieks, Cackles and Trills Extremely Loudly 2 or 3 Times a Day – Help!
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My Cockatiel Shrieks, Cackles and Trills Extremely Loudly 2 or 3 Times a Day – Help!

I really want to compliment Mitch on the wonderful newsletters he sends out on Sunday Morning. They are intelligent, witty and so well written. I love the information I get from them. I’m glad you made a big deal about full spectrum lighting, because several of the bird owners I know don’t even bother to use it.

I currently have a 4 month old male cockatiel named Qi who was hand fed and tamed by the breeder In a room full of other birds of varying species. Qi is very loving, active, and fed properly and he also gets plenty of toys and attention. My only qualm is that 2 or 3 times a day he shrieks, cackles and trills extremely loudly (for at least 3 minutes each time).


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