How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird’s Holistically
Pet food manufacturers as well as Internet “influencers” somehow associate the word “holistic” with “healthy” which indicates (to me) they clearly never read the definition of “holistic“.
ho·lis·tic – adjective
PHILOSOPHY – characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
Thus from this point forward, you will go forth and snigger the next time someone tries to sell you holistic anything.
When you interact with us,
whether it be here, on our website, social media, email, or any other form of communication, we try to introduce you to holistic bird health as a way of succeeding with captive bird care – meaning:
My Birds Don’t Diminish My Air Quality – Doc.
Water Wind & Stars replied – Oct 4, 10:12pm
After writing my first message I took a big pile of towels and curtains from the bathroom where my birds’ cage had been located and carried them to the basement to wash the bird dander out; the pile was big enough to cover my nose and mouth.
Not more than 5 minutes after I came back upstairs, I started to cough in the breathless, slightly spasming way that has been the main symptom of my lung issue.
At Last, The Secret To Keeping Food And Cage Accessories Free Of Bird Poop Is Revealed
From Marla S.
Hi, Your toys, treats, and perch setup is nice. Not overcrowded and laid out nicely. One comment though.
As a Lovebird Mom for over nine years now, it baffles me to this day to see other bird parents place their bird’s open food and water dishes on the cage floor!
This is in the direct path of the bird’s poop! Would you place your human’s child’s food and water dishes in the bottom of the toilet? No.
Do Hormones Control This Amazons Seasonal Regurgitation?
Dear Mitch, Catherine, and associates,
First thank you for the opportunity to contact you about my parrot, who’s a BF Amazon, named “Dollar.” I wish to add, I adopted him at 6 yrs old, and he wouldn’t let me call him any other name than what it had been.
So, he’s a fabulously happy birdie, but several years in a row around this time of year, he begins to regurgitate and swallow, over and over again. He holds the top of a bell and raises and lowers his head like an oil well, only really fast.
Does UV Light Really Help Produce Vitamin D3 in Birds?
Have you ever wished you could see the additional ultraviolet light spectrum that birds can?
I’ve been a strong proponent of using light cycles to interrupt the circadian rhythms of our pet birds
I’m also fully convinced that no amount of artificial lighting over birdcage will help a bird produce vitamin D3 regardless of the lumens, quality of the ultraviolet spectrum emitted or the distance from the light source to the cage
How to Bathe Your Pet Bird?
At the end of the day, it’s best to ensure that your birds are bathed on a regular basis and allow them to preen their feathers part of any bird’s routine.
In spite of my esteemed associate Mr. Klugman (from Quora) endorsing a Deionized Water commercial spray – I’m going to advocate you not even bring the stuff into the house. (more…)
Cook Comfort Foods for Your Birds
The weather is cooling off and humans like to begin cooking comfort foods such as pots of chili, chicken, and dumplings, bean soups, and other hearty meals to warm the tummy and spirit. The same applies true to your parrots.
As the weather becomes colder, we slowly lower our indoor temperatures unless we don’t care how high our heating bills run.
It is important to remember that if you are cold, your birds are chilly as well and need to have supplemental heat such as thermo perches or heated cage panels that allow them to position themselves at the temperature they prefer. (more…)
Joyce About Taking Birds Outdoors
On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 12:54 PM UTC, Joyce wrote:
We live in southern TX, and would like to take our Amazon outside since the weather is so nice this time of year. I will purchase a cage of course, but my concerns are what types of bugs and disease am I potentially going to expose her to? She will also be in a covered patio. How do I keep her safe?
Thank You,
Carl’s Severe Macaw – is It Plucking, Molting or Over-preening?
Why are those feathers on the cage floor? Is it plucking, molting, or over-preening?
We received an email from a subscriber of Sunday Brunch that I am sharing with you below: