Is It Okay to Clip a Parrotlet’s Wings???

Is It Okay to Clip a Parrotlet’s Wings???

Chris S. asks, 


Is it okay to clip a parrotlets wings???


Dear Chris, 


You can clip ANY bird’s wings. But it is best to have a good reason for it.


If the bird is new to you and your home and you are trying to get the new bird to learn where his cage is and settle in, and/or also trying to bond with a new baby bird. 


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Can Cloacal Prolapse in Parakeets Be Prevented?
Coconut bird's nest

Can Cloacal Prolapse in Parakeets Be Prevented?

Mary S. is concerned,


Can prolapse in parakeets be prevented?


Dear Mary

Most important is prevention – assure that your birds, especially breeding hens, are in good health and are receiving optimal amounts of calcium and other minerals and vitamins. Upon noting a prolapse, you can try lubricating the tissue with a water-soluble product, such as Wet Original.


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How Do I Treat My Female Parakeet’s Feather Cyst?

How Do I Treat My Female Parakeet’s Feather Cyst?

to Mitch@WCParrot


Hello, love your website have a parakeet female about 5 years old with a cyst on the left wing.


Our avian vet was not too helpful only said it could be a feather cyst after I suggested it.


She does not seem uncomfortable but the cyst is getting bigger mostly pink with whatever color of feather appears any suggestions?



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How Do I Handle My Deceased Partners Double Yellow Head Amazon?

I have my partner’s Double Yellow Head Amazon (Hen) he had her 35 years, (he figured she was about 5 yrs old when he got her), I was with him the last 25 years.


He passed away on 1-14-20 Congestive Heart Failure.


I had never handled her I was afraid of being bitten, but I started just after he died I figured it was not would she bite me but when & how hard. In the last year, she has only bitten me maybe 7 or 8 times and only drew blood 3 times.



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What Are Those Dark Brown Bugs I Am Seeing Near His Birdcage?
the dusky lory is eating a bug

What Are Those Dark Brown Bugs I Am Seeing Near His Birdcage?

Sue is concerned,


I’m seeing small, dark brown bugs which don’t bite in the low-level carpeting near his big cage, where his daily food is on a shelf bagged and sealed, or in plastic containers. Supplies are refrigerated.  


I tried spraying with white vinegar. 


Can you advise me on a debugger?   I tried to download photos but failed. 



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A Congo Greys Companion’s Feather Plucking Questions Answered
An African Gray Parrot Plucking Her Breast Feathers on Top of Her Cage

A Congo Greys Companion’s Feather Plucking Questions Answered

First name: Peggy C.


How long has your bird been plucking? 


Approximately 7 years 


Species (please be specific, as an example, there are 43 species of Macaws) 


Congo African Grey parrot


Your bird’s sex if (known) by DNA or feather color (dimorphic bird)? 




Your bird’s age? 




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Tips on Painting & Restoring Older Bird Cages

Tips on Painting & Restoring Older Bird Cages

I think the main reason that people don’t try to paint older bird cages is because of what they’ve heard or read about the harmful effects of lead, zinc, and so forth.
The point that needs to be made is that most of the paints sold in the US for the past 40 years can be safe for human infants – as long as it’s dry.
Our government really wasn’t thinking about our birds – they were looking out for our children. The government has gone to great lengths to ensure that paint sold for use in the home is safe. The confusing issue is something called “Flashing”.

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8 Simple Actions You Can Take to Keep Your Bird Healthy
Veterinarian doctor is making a check up of a kramer parrot. Veterinary Concept.

8 Simple Actions You Can Take to Keep Your Bird Healthy

1 – Weigh your bird

Birds are prey animals. Evolution has taught them that if they look weak they are more subject to an attack by a predator in the wild. Thus it is not uncommon to see a bird appear to be healthy one day then fall over dead the next because there are no visual symptoms like you can see with a cat or dog.

One of the most precise tools you can obtain for a mere $19 is our best bird scale ever which can be used to weigh birds from budgies to large macaws.

When you weigh your bird regularly at least twice a month you can easily see large swings in weight gain or loss possibly indicating an illness without being visible by looking at the bird.


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A Better Bird Video Series For Training Birds And Their Humans

A Better Bird Video Series For Training Birds And Their Humans

Just as the name implies, this is a series of quick and easy ways to help your birds stay happy and healthy around the clock.

This is a series of short but incisive ideas you can apply today bringing you closer to bird care nirvana.

The number of things necessary to provide foraging enrichment for your birds can be found in a series of quick and simple ideas.


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How Do I Stop My Peach-faced Lovebird From Prolific Egg-laying?

How Do I Stop My Peach-faced Lovebird From Prolific Egg-laying?

Julie O. has a lovebird issue,


Hello Catherine & Mitch


We have a peach-faced lovebird named Kiki (she told us her name, it’s the only word she speaks) that was rescued nearly dead from starvation and dehydration on a busy Los Angeles street about 5 years ago.


We don’t know her actual age, but she looked to be fairly young then.


In the past two years, she has started laying infertile eggs.


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