Why Is My Bird Hiding From Me?
Birds act out at the most instinctual level – they are not playing games.
The original Quora question was:
“What does it mean if your pet bird hides under a table/chair?”
Birds act out at the most instinctual level – they are not playing games.
The original Quora question was:
“What does it mean if your pet bird hides under a table/chair?”
Karl W writes:
One of our two cockatiels passed today.
We have had a pair of males for 14 years and they were 4-6 years old when we got them.
Carrie B writes:
I put money down on a conure that’s going to be coming home in two months.
I’ve been hearing not to put it in the room that you’re not going to be in regularly, but I have a small living room in my apartment and already have three chatty budgies.
Susan D. F. writes
Hi Mitch,
Seymour was picking on the left side lip of my stainless steel sink the other day and I think she removed the caulk.
As of last night, I have water leaking out of the area whenever I turn the water on more than a tiny stream.
Sheila J. asks:
Why is my female budgie being so selfish and mean to her partner they have been together 1 yr and all of a sudden she won’t even let him eat.
I have to watch her shes real mean to him.
Catherine replied
Dear Sheila
Allan D writes:
It seems to me that the PrevuePet Cockatiel Nest Box, like all the other nest boxes, has the opening for the bird located too high.
When the bird is inside it has to do a standing jump of about 5 inches to get out, in fact, I can’t quite imagine how the bird manages to get out.
Bri H. writes:
Disagreement with the wife.
After years of using a bottle for Eclectus and Ducorps (cockatoo), my wife has switched to a bowl.
What is healthier, a water bottle or a water bowl?
Maybe you have a discussion or topic link?
Thanks for Birdie Brunch.
Darla S asks:
Can you suggest a few medium-sized parrot species for a 1st-time owner about to turn 60y?
I am interested in moderation (moderate affection, playfulness, independence, friendliness, and noise) ability to talk would be a plus.
I still work full time, and live alone in my own house.
From Donna E.
question: I have recently been given a parakeet with a splayed leg.
He eats and flys but he’s not very active and basically just sits in one place for long periods of time, especially if another keet doesn’t land next to him to get him moving.
Carol Wrote:
Mitch: I read on line something you wrote about the possibility of training adult budgies.
I have inherited two budgies – about 1-year-old.
They are in a cage and have never been trained.
They seem very happy with each other.
They are very active and chatty.