Out Door Aviary Advice For A Ringneck

This question comes from the Google My Business community.


Unfortunately Google sets character limitations in the answer box and I felt compelled to provide a well rounded solution.


Thus you found your way to our excellent blog on nothing but pet birds and captive bird care.


kenneth s


good evening Mitch, we recently put up an outside aviary for our rescue Indian ring neck.


we do not have regular screening up because we were afraid it would keep out the UV Light.


should we use that because of bugs, bees and mosquitos?


We need help


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Can My Daughter And I Co-Bond With An African Grey?

Can My Daughter And I Co-Bond With An African Grey?

We don’t generally interact with mainstream bird rescue organizations.

The last bird club/rescue meeting I spoke at began with a police presence called by the current president trying to forcibly remove the former president, who wouldn’t leave.

The next 15 minutes resulted in parliamentary maneuvers so legal action could be brought against the former bird rescue president.

We’ve seen that a lot over the years.

Which is why we mainly work with private rescues and bird rescue initiatives.


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What Are the Absolute Worst Types of Parrots for a First-time Bird Owner?

Once again, although well-intentioned, people are breaking down your choices into the macro of species (Quora question).

One answer started with

  1. Cockatoos
  2. Macaws
  3. Amazons


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What Do You Know About Macaw Asthma? It’s Really A Thing.

What Do You Know About Macaw Asthma? It’s Really A Thing.

This first of three answers about macaw parrot keeping solutions is in response to the Quora question:

Is it unsafe to have a cockatoo in your home and a macaw, Given that many macaws are susceptible to asthma? Following up, is there any sort of test a macaw could have done to identify asthma? 

Macaw Asthma aka Macaw Respiratory Hypersensitivity disease is found in several species of macaws but is especially prevalent with blue and gold macaws.


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Is My Blue and Gold Macaw Biting Me Because of Displaced Anger?

Is My Blue and Gold Macaw Biting Me Because of Displaced Anger?

Nancy H wrote:

Dear Mitch and Catherine,

I own a Blue and Gold Macaw that I’ve had for 23 years, I love him dearly as he’s been, my little companion and roommate.

The problem is and I’m hoping you can help is that I’m not able to have my family or friends over because Bernard will literally take a tantrum screaming until I go in and get him and bring him out to see who’s there and when I go to bring him back to his cage, he bites me hard with displaced anger.


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How Do I Stop an 8 Yr. Old White-bellied Caique From Chewing Everything?

How Do I Stop an 8 Yr. Old White-bellied Caique From Chewing Everything?


I love your birdie brunch and read it first thing every Sunday. Thank you!


I hope you can help me.

I have an 8 yr. old white-bellied Caique.

Conrad has owned me since he was 3 months old.

I am also a strong proponent of flighted birds (seems to me they were made that way), so Conrad is fully-flighted.


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Can I Always Keep an African Gray Parrot in a Cage That is Placed in the Living Room?

Can I Always Keep an African Gray Parrot in a Cage That is Placed in the Living Room?

I’m going to interpret this as a cage placement question.

The answer is not straightforward.

Parrots like privacy.

We talk a lot about the birdcage canopy effect of lining the top third of your bird’s cage with so many toys that you can not see the bird.

This gives them a sense of security in that they are not easily seen all the time.

You have some sort of window covering in your bedroom, right? (more…)

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Sex and the Single Bird

Sex and the Single Bird

There are two sides to this conversation.

There’s the “your bird needs to have some sort of sexual satisfaction in its life” and there’s the “what sex is your bird”?
Let’s start with bird sexing.
About 20 to 25% of parrots are classified as sexually dimorphic.

This means you can tell them apart by their color. Male Eclectus parrots are green and females are red.


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