Can A Macaw Parrot Get Cataracts?

Can A Macaw Parrot Get Cataracts?

Can you do anything for this?

I have a Catalina macaw she is 30.

Her right eye seems to be not as clear as her left. It’s like a very lite graying.

Sometimes she bumps into things.

Her diet consists of seeds and pellets she also gets prime vitamins in her water

Also a little treat from our dinner plates at night.




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Should I Give My Pet Bird A Mirror Or Not?

Is it okay if a bird sees the reflection of her cage in a mirror from a little distance? Does this make the same effect of a mirror inside of the cage?

One of the answers read: “Larger birds such as parrots have no trouble telling that their reflection is not another bird. For smaller birds, the mirror would probably need to be in the cage so that the bird could actually play with its reflection.”

but the answer makes no sense.


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Does Styptic Powder On Blood Feathers Hurt My Bird?

Sarah writes:

Hi Mitch,


I’m a 25-year parrot rescue and parrot care specialist. 


In reading your blog about “Should a blind person care for a parrot,”. 


I was reading the blind woman’s response and her description about putting styptic powder on a blood feather. 


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Will Vitamin E Help Heal My Birds Foot Sores?

Will Vitamin E Help Heal My Birds Foot Sores?

Hi Mitch,


Thank you so much for getting back to me, what you had to say was very helpful. 


I do not know how to send pictures from my Chrome book, only know how to send pictures with my phone, I’m not very good with technology. 


I did get Alex a rope perch recently, but he won’t go near it as of yet.


I read on the parrot forum that Vitamin E oil is good for pressure sores. 


Do you agree? 


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My Green-cheek Conure Seems To Be Molting All The Time

Yes I have another question for you, my green-cheek conure seems to be molting all the time and he’s lost the two big red feathers in the tail and I can feel the feathers under his skin in between his back and wing feathers is this normal or is he short on calcium he will not touch a cuttlebone or any calcium bone to rub down his nails or beak so I have two perches, that are rough, he is a year and a half old, already really molted. 


Thank you very much! Jane


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Flighted Or Clipped Wings – Our Readers Weigh In

Flighted Or Clipped Wings – Our Readers Weigh In

You asked whether our birds are flighted. 


All three of our birds – African Grey, Dusky Pionus, Cockatiel – are fully flighted. 


We have a lot of large windows in our apartment but so far we have not had a problem. 


They all have their favorite routes and pretty much stick to them. 


The only time we have clipped our bird’s wings is when we were traveling internationally and they had to go through the health and customs inspections at the airports.


Lisa Y.



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Why A Birds Flicker Fusion Rate Is So Important For Fast Flight
Flock of flying birds. Green and blue parrots stand out in group flight.

Why A Birds Flicker Fusion Rate Is So Important For Fast Flight

Over the past few years, we’ve been emphasizing the proper use of man-made lighting and its effect on pet birds.

Search results when googling the term “pet bird lighting” predominantly yield links to products relating to lighting for pet birds.

With the exception of Windy City Parrot and the Lafebers blog, it is difficult to find information about pet birds and the many ways light affects them.


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Help With An African Grey And A Triton Cockatoo.

Help With An African Grey And A Triton Cockatoo.

I Have An African Grey And A Triton Cockatoo.

I hand fed both and have had the Grey since 1985 and the Cockatoo since 1987.

They are housed separately in AE birdcages and I have perches around the house for them to move to as I work around.

Both are female.

My Gray has begun acting strange.


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How Important Is Artificial Lighting For Pet Birds

How Important Is Artificial Lighting For Pet Birds

Our first answer comes from a question on Quora

Do parrots we rear at home need sunlight?

Firstly, lets set the record straight.

No amount of natural sunlight nor artificial light will help with the production of any vitamin in a bird’s body.

This is because of the dual integumentary systems of feathers and skin.


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