Problems With My 42 YO Amazon Parrot I Adopted 12 Years Ago
I really like reading all the information you provide about birds,

Problems With My 42 YO Amazon Parrot I Adopted 12 Years Ago

jenn7558 relates,

I really like reading all the information you provide about birds, and most particularly, domesticated ones.

I just read your latest that talks about the way to arrange walls of toys and the reasons for doing that.

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Did I Rescue Two Budgies or Two Beavers?
Did I Rescue Two Budgies or Two Beavers?

Did I Rescue Two Budgies or Two Beavers?

Susan M. related,

Our two rescued parakeets, who were found outdoors separately and given to a bird rescue, are not hand tame.

They enjoy being out of their flight cage and investigating in the one room I keep closed for them.

Recently they have eaten molding, on the back of an old mirror, and the other day molding around the glass on my antique china closet.


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