How And What To Feed Your Pet Bird Or Parrot
What to feed that beautiful feathered being in the cage across the room?
Facebook is an endless source of poorly regurgitated information about everything from bird chops to smoothies (really?)
What to feed that beautiful feathered being in the cage across the room?
Facebook is an endless source of poorly regurgitated information about everything from bird chops to smoothies (really?)
At first I thought to myself “this’ll be fun.”
Once I started the project it was a bit more difficult than I forecasted.
I originally started with 9 YouTube channels but some favorites needed to be included not simply based upon numbers.
For those who are not following on us Facebook or our YouTube channel, you’ll note that we are ramping up our use of Fid-eo to better communicate caged bird care.
Linda F asks,
Hi, As spring approaches we look to protect furry as well as feathered friends. Any suggestions on Frontline and heart guard type products that are safe around parrots and toos (Cockatoos) when used on three little dogs?
Are the two above mentioned harmful when used on a dog that lives in the same house as a bird?
Thank you for all help I have received as my CAG (Congo African Grey, goffie (Goffin Cockatoo) learn to share our life together.
Would not have made it as smoothly this far without your good advice and Birdy Brunch. Thank you again. Linda,
Micha and Stewie
What makes Goldenfeast unique is that its plant-based nutrition.
Because of the enormity of pet bird species (about 750 species including hornbills) they need lots of diverse and dense nutrients as well as superfoods to achieve maximum health and stay there.
Like hard-working catchers of the MLB, we get questions tossed to us day in and day out.
Questions are my favorite part of words.
Indian ringnecks are marvelous birds and I’ve had the great fortune to live with the species in two different households.
They’re not big birds they weigh an average of 115 g about the body size of a Senegal or a fat cockatiel but the long tail gives the impression that it’s a much larger bird.
The overall length of the bird must be taken into consideration when choosing the right birdcage and especially the travel carrier.
They can be quite tame and are a relatively good talker.
Below you will find three curated questions about Indian ringnecks that found us one way or another and we felt sharing solutions would be helpful.
Image above – Female Eclectus r. vosmaeri at North Carolina Zoo, no other subspecies combines a purple abdomen and clear yellow undertail coverts.
Hi Mitch,
I just read your piece on eclectus, and I have a question.
If the elongated digestive tract is urban myth, then why does my bird develop the eclectus toe-tapping and wing-flipping if he has been given regular pellets and/or too many vitamins?
What would cause this?
Let’s start with the toe tapping wings flapping things.
Here’s an earlier eclectus parrot feeding question from our database:
I’ve read different articles on how much fruit to give my ekkies.
Some say it is ok to give them as much as they eat and others say the veggies should be their top priority.
I do try to give them an equal amount but it seems they have gotten picky about their vegetables lately.
I have been giving them different varieties and mixing up how I serve them – warm, cool, different spices on them but they still prefer the fruit.
I don’t know that there’s enough storage space on the Quora servers to answer this.
I read that parrots are loud, noisy, and messy – a lot.
Then again so are children.
Let’s start with a top-level explanation.
Pet people in the disciple category will always react negatively towards the word own preferring instead to call it pet bird companionship.
In reality, birds are the most owned pets we can have.
We have to lock them up in a bird jail.
Headline: My spoiled parrots love this bird food 🙂
Name: Pam
Location: Rockford, IL
Review: I have three CAGs and a Goffin ‘too.
In the morning they get Tropican Lifetime Formula Maintenance Parrot Granules and I feed this food to them in the evening.