Clear And Unbiased Facts About What Are The Best Seed, Blend And Pellet Diets For Captive Birds? (Without All The Hype)

Clear And Unbiased Facts About What Are The Best Seed, Blend And Pellet Diets For Captive Birds? (Without All The Hype)

There is no perfect seed, blend or pellet diet for any exotic bird species. Our Senegal parrot Peaches eats whatever broken bags or tubs we get with our deliveries.  

She probably has five or six brands in her food storage container currently. I even toss in large parrot food and simply crack the big nuts open for her.

Not all pellets on the same. The concept behind pellets is they are an engineered food  containing 100% of all the nutrition that a bird needs.  At the Hagen Avicultural Research Institute  they have third generation quaker parrots who have been eating Hagen Tropican exclusively for 25 years.


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Lessons Learned From This Successful Captive Blue Front Amazon Pet Bird Keeper

Lessons Learned From This Successful Captive Blue Front Amazon Pet Bird Keeper

Learn Amazon parrot care from one of Windy City Parrot’s customers – who gets it.

Hello, Mitch

I’ve followed your blog for quite a while and always appreciate your perspectives and insights. I was pretty much gutted when I read your article on Sunday … “Birds in cages suffer all their lives.”

I want my bird to have a happy and healthy a life as possible, but I read and hear so much contradictory information that I’m really not sure if I am providing what she needs— and I do try.


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Do Hormones Control This Amazons Seasonal Regurgitation?

Do Hormones Control This Amazons Seasonal Regurgitation?

Dear Mitch, Catherine, and associates,

First thank you for the opportunity to contact you about my parrot, who’s a BF Amazon, named “Dollar.” I wish to add, I adopted him at 6 yrs old, and he wouldn’t let me call him any other name than what it had been.

So, he’s a fabulously happy birdie, but several years in a row around this time of year, he begins to regurgitate and swallow, over and over again. He holds the top of a bell and raises and lowers his head like an oil well, only really fast.

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Why How Intelligent Are Birds and Parrots Will Make You Question Everything

Why How Intelligent Are Birds and Parrots Will Make You Question Everything

Recently Science magazine ran an article entitled “Parrots, songbirds pack more neurons into their forebrains than most mammals”.

Now some scientists are saying that birds are way more intelligent than we ever thought because they somehow counted the total number of forebrain neurons – with soup (we’ll get to that in a bit)!

The study, published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that 28 bird species have more neurons in their pallial telencephalons, the brain region responsible for higher level learning, than mammals with similar-sized brains.


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Help for an Excessively Screaming African Grey Parrot

Help for an Excessively Screaming African Grey Parrot

How can you stop screaming–excessive (Question from Quora)

Screaming is never excessive for a bird – they are merely communicating, it’s what they do.

Before I can answer your question I need to know the species, age, sex, the diet and a picture of the cage set up if at all possible – thank you.

Hi Mitch,

Bubba is a 30 yr, old CAG (congo african grey). dna’d male on basically harrisons with nutriberries and healthy people food,.. I don’t know how to take a pix of his cage. 2x2x4 feet – 5 perches – all different materials. at least 5 toys I try to keep changed.


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How Should I Set Up My  Green Cheek Conure’s Bird Cage and How Often Should I Clean It?
Green Cheek Conure perched on a branch

How Should I Set Up My Green Cheek Conure’s Bird Cage and How Often Should I Clean It?

I own a green cheek conure. He has a pretty large cage, not sure of the exact dimensions, but I’m very confused on how to set it up, I hear that people put newspaper to line the cage with but are you supposed to put that on top of the litter or under it? Also, how often should I change the litter?

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5 Ways to Reduce Hormonal Bird Behavior Before You See the Avian Vet

Hypothetical – a 21st-century genie sits down next to you on a park bench. He looks pretty normal and explains that the whole genie thing has evolved along with modern society.

The dapper young lad named Gene (really?) goes on to say;


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Kaylor of Colorado – the Best Bird Food You Never Heard of

Kaylor of Colorado – the Best Bird Food You Never Heard of

Kaylor of Colorado has been manufacturing ultra-premium nutritional products for pets since 1976. Mel Kaylor is Kaylor of Colorado’s founder. Mel Kaylor’s innovative ideas and firm belief in high quality natural products continue to be the mold for Kaylor of Colorado. Kaylor has a very proud and loyal team of employees. Kaylor’s management team has an average tenure of ten plus years with Kaylor. Kaylor is committed to developing world-class products and personalized relationships with all of our valued customers. Darrell Kaylor proudly runs the company to this day.


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