How To Stop An Elenora Cockatoo Plucker And A Screaming Citron Cockatoo

How To Stop An Elenora Cockatoo Plucker And A Screaming Citron Cockatoo

Good morning, I get your newsletter every Sunday.


We have an elenora cockatoo (aka medium sulfur crested) that we have had for 21 years.


We got her when she was 4 months old.


Within the last two years she has started to yell.


Within the last year it has gotten real bad.


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Can You Address Feeding And Care For Larger M2s (Moluccan Cockatoos)?

Can You Address Feeding And Care For Larger M2s (Moluccan Cockatoos)?

Think of a bunch of garden hoses banded together arbitrarily shooting water out one or the other.


As opposed to a “firehose” of information.


Now you know what fielding questions about captive bird care looks like to us.


We don’t know where it’s going to come from – Disqus, our blog, one of three ways you can contact us directly on  the website or email.


Just organizing the questions is a task in-and-of-itself.


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He Duct Taped His Cockatoos Feet To The Floor

He Duct Taped His Cockatoos Feet To The Floor

The following was part of an answer to the following Quora question.

“What would be a bird’s reaction if we tied a helium balloon to their legs (that would make them float)? What about a bat? How would they adapt? QUESTION DETAILS IN COMMENTS”

At some point in the very short response I saw these words

“Someday, I’ll tell you about the time I duct taped his feet to the kitchen floor to prevent him from chasing mine”.


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A Better Bird Ep 12 Migrating 6 Budgies From Cage To Aviary – Video

A Better Bird Ep 12 Migrating 6 Budgies From Cage To Aviary – Video

I’ve often said the universe is too complex to be arbitrary.

We brought home a Prevue F040 birdcage for our six budgies, but once built we clearly felt it was too small.

It sat in our living room for about three weeks.

During that time we received a phone call and long story short we ended up rescuing a 17-year-old male African ringneck.


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How I Accidentally Rescued A Goffins Cockatoo

How I Accidentally Rescued A Goffins Cockatoo

I just want to thank you for the weekly messages – for the stories you tell, and all that you teach us.


I have had a 10-year-old female Goffin’s cockatoo in my care for 2-1/2 years.


Editor’s note: Goffin’s cockatoo aka, Tanimbar corella aka Goffin’s corella.


Her owner was someone I knew most of my life and she committed suicide suddenly with no warning.


She had many animals.


Horses, dogs, cats, snakes, rats, and a bird.


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