5 Answers To Questions Affecting A Parrots Domestic And Native Environments

5 Answers To Questions Affecting A Parrots Domestic And Native Environments

Hi Mitch. Just a comment of concern.

Clearly, I understand the need to know a bird’s sex but I’m also very concerned about this kit that anybody can buy, including many of the idiots out there that own birds.

Editors note: not my words

Do you really want to encourage all owners to pluck their birds feathers and cut their nails too short in order to get blood for testing?

There are experienced owners out there that could do it but there are probably many more out there who could cause an emergency and pain.

I have lived with 17 budgies but I would would still go to a vet for something like that.

I wish you would write a follow up to that article to inspire caution. The article makes me very nervous frankly.


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What Is Cockatiels Paralysis Syndrome AKA Lockjaw Syndrome AKA Bordetella Avium?

What Is Cockatiels Paralysis Syndrome AKA Lockjaw Syndrome AKA Bordetella Avium?

This ‘syndrome’ as vets are calling it, is referred to by many names as listed in the title of this article. For simplicity I will use the word Lockjaw.

First off, I would like to state that the following is from my own independent research while helping others and my own hands on personal experience.

I would also like to state upfront that I never bought into and was very skeptical on it being labeled Bordetella or B. Avium.


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Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

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How Do I Stop Our 6 Parakeets From Laying Eggs and Making Babies?

How Do I Stop Our 6 Parakeets From Laying Eggs and Making Babies?

 Hello, I am in a bit of a situation and I’m hoping that you can help me. I have had three parakeets for almost 6 years now.

Recently one of the birds has started to lay eggs. At first we were excited, we didn’t think they would actually lay eggs since we have had them for so long.


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Humans Have Lots of Bird Advice – Don’t Get One, They’re Hard to Raise

Humans Have Lots of Bird Advice – Don’t Get One, They’re Hard to Raise

The following content is from 3 inquiries we received that we thought would be helpful by sharing.

We have four zebra finches in an outdoor aviary, with three walls being the exterior of our house, and the fourth wall is wire mesh.

We are in San Diego, and our nights can drop down to 40-50 degree. We are planning to add plexiglass panels over the mesh at night, and we are trying to decide on a heat source.


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My Birds Don’t Diminish My Air Quality – Doc.

My Birds Don’t Diminish My Air Quality – Doc.

Water Wind & Stars replied  – Oct 4, 10:12pm

After writing my first message I took a big pile of towels and curtains from the bathroom where my birds’ cage had been located and carried them to the basement to wash the bird dander out; the pile was big enough to cover my nose and mouth.

Not more than 5 minutes after I came back upstairs, I started to cough in the breathless, slightly spasming way that has been the main symptom of my lung issue.


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The Ultimate Guide To How are African Grey Parrots to Keep as Pets

The Ultimate Guide To How are African Grey Parrots to Keep as Pets

The question “How are African Grey Parrots to keep as pets?” came from Quora

“Come on, fess up!

You’ve done the unthinkable. You’ve actually thought of getting an African Grey but the horror stories of screaming, biting and plucking keep you “centered” or “sane”.

What if you had a mentor? 

That’s why you have me!


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